Mobile version, drop down menu disappeared Hitskin_logo

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2 posters

    Mobile version, drop down menu disappeared


    Other / Decline to state Posts : 84
    Reputation : 4
    Language : English
    Location : Europe

    Mobile version, drop down menu disappeared Empty Mobile version, drop down menu disappeared

    Post by the_rocketeer May 26th 2017, 9:21 am

    Hey guys!

    Today I noticed that the drop down menu in my forum mobile version disappeared. I checked it with Google DevTools and it seems that the hole id="mToggleContainer" div is missing. I didn't modify the templates for the mobile version. So now I'm clueless.

    Any ideas?
    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

    Male Posts : 13246
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    Mobile version, drop down menu disappeared Empty Re: Mobile version, drop down menu disappeared

    Post by Ange Tuteur May 26th 2017, 3:18 pm

    Hi @the_rocketeer,

    Usually when the drop down menu on the mobile version disappears it's caused by a JavaScript error. To make sure that's the case, go to Admin Panel > Modules > JS Codes Management and disable it temporarily. After you've done this, refresh the page on the mobile version to confirm if the drop down is back. If it is, that means you've got a JavaScript error on your forum that needs debugging. There's two methods for finding the error :

    1. You have to go through and disable each of your installed scripts one by one. After disabling one script, reload the page to see if the drop down is back, if it isn't, disable the next script. Repeat this until you've found the script that causes the error.

    2. Use the devtools console to locate the error. Usually when a JS error occurs you'll get an error message + the location of where the error occurs. Clicking the provided file in the error message should take you directly to where the error occurred.
      Mobile version, drop down menu disappeared Captur51

    Other / Decline to state Posts : 84
    Reputation : 4
    Language : English
    Location : Europe

    Mobile version, drop down menu disappeared Empty Re: Mobile version, drop down menu disappeared

    Post by the_rocketeer June 3rd 2017, 12:47 pm

    Hi @Ange Tuteur!
    Thank you so much! You were right! Mobile version, drop down menu disappeared 1f60d I deleted the wrong java and now the menu is there. The only issue left is that my chatbox keeps dropping out my members. :/ Is it because of a JavaScript error too?

    I use these javas for my chatbox:
    (function() {
      if (!window.FA) window.FA = {};
      if (FA.Chat) {
        if (window.console) console.warn('FA.Chat has already been initialized');
      FA.Chat = {
        // chatbox settings
        config : {
          height : '60%',
          width : '70%',
          live_notif : true,
          sound_notif : {
            enabled : false,
            file : ''
          notifRate : 10000
        // language settings
        lang : {
          chatbox : 'Chatbox',
          new_msg : 'A new message has been posted in the <a href="javascript:FA.Chat.toggle();">chatbox</a>.'
        // technical data below
        node : {}, // node cache
        users : 0, // users in chat
        messages : 'initial', // total chat messages
        actif : false, // tells us if the chatbox is opened
        notifActif : false, // tells us if the notifications are active
        // initial setup of the chatbox
        init : function() {
          var right = document.getElementById('fa_right'),
              container = document.createElement('DIV'),
              button = document.createElement('A'),
 = 'fa_chat_button';
          button.innerHTML = FA.Chat.lang.chatbox + ' <span id="fa_chatters">(0)</span>';
          button.onclick = FA.Chat.toggle;
          FA.Chat.node.button = button;
 = 'fa_chat_container';
          container.innerHTML = '<iframe id="fa_chat" src="/chatbox/"></iframe>';
 = FA.Chat.config.width;
 = FA.Chat.config.height;
 = '-' + FA.Chat.config.height;
 = 'hidden';
          if (right) {
            right.insertBefore(button, right.lastChild); // add the chat button to the right side of the toolbar
            // create the notification audio element
            if (FA.Chat.config.sound_notif.enabled) {
              audio = document.createElement('AUDIO');
              audio.src = FA.Chat.config.sound_notif.file;
              if (audio.canPlayType) {
       = audio;
            FA.Chat.node.container = document.getElementById('fa_chat_container');
            FA.Chat.node.chatters = document.getElementById('fa_chatters');
            FA.Chat.node.frame = document.getElementById('fa_chat');
            FA.Chat.node.frame.onload = FA.Chat.getFrame;
          delete FA.Chat.init;
        // get the frame window, document, and elements
        getFrame : function() {
          if (FA.Chat.poll) window.clearInterval(FA.Chat.poll);
          if (this.contentDocument || this.contentWindow) {
            FA.Chat.window = this.contentWindow;
            FA.Chat.document = this.contentDocument ? this.contentDocument : FA.Chat.window.document;
            FA.Chat.node.message = FA.Chat.document.getElementById('message');
            FA.Chat.node.members = FA.Chat.document.getElementById('chatbox_members');
            FA.Chat.poll = window.setInterval(FA.Chat.listen, 300); // listen for changes every 0.3 seconds
        // listen for changes in the chatbox
        listen : function() {
          var users = FA.Chat.node.members.getElementsByTagName('LI').length,
              messages = FA.Chat.window.chatbox.messages.length;
          // update user count
          if (users > FA.Chat.users || users < FA.Chat.users) {
            FA.Chat.users = users;
            FA.Chat.node.chatters.innerHTML = '(' + FA.Chat.users + ')';
          // initial / active updates
          if ((FA.Chat.messages == 'initial' && messages) || FA.Chat.notifActif || FA.Chat.actif) FA.Chat.messages = messages;
          // notify new messages while connected and the chatbox is closed
          if (!FA.Chat.actif && !FA.Chat.notifActif && FA.Chat.window.chatbox.connected && (messages > FA.Chat.messages || messages < FA.Chat.messages)) {
            FA.Chat.messages = messages; // update message count
            FA.Chat.notifActif = true;
            if (FA.Chat.config.live_notif) FA.Chat.notify(FA.Chat.lang.new_msg); // show live notification
            if (FA.Chat.config.sound_notif.enabled &&; // play sound notification
            // wait before notifying the user again
            window.setTimeout(function() {
              FA.Chat.notifActif = false;
            }, FA.Chat.config.notifRate);
        // create a custom notification
        notify : function(msg) {
          var notif = document.createElement('DIV'),
              live = document.getElementById(Toolbar.LIVE_NOTIF);
          notif.className = 'fa_notification';
          notif.innerHTML = '<div class="content ellipsis">' + msg + '</div>';
 = 'none';
          $(notif).mouseover(function() { $(this).stop(true, true) });
          $(notif).mouseleave(function() { $(this).delay(5000).fadeOut() });
          live.insertBefore(notif, live.firstChild);
          $(notif).fadeIn(100, function() { $(this).delay(10000).fadeOut() });
        // toggle the display state of the chatbox
        toggle : function() {
          var container =;
          if (/hidden/i.test(container.visibility)) {
            FA.Chat.node.button.className = 'fa_chat_active';
            FA.Chat.actif = true;
            container.visibility = 'visible';
            container.bottom = '3px';
            // auto focus the message field
            window.setTimeout(function() {
            }, 350); // some browsers ( firefox ) need a delay
          } else {
            FA.Chat.node.button.className = '';
            FA.Chat.actif = false;
            container.visibility = 'hidden';
            container.bottom = '-' + FA.Chat.config.height;
        // initialize the chat when the document is ready and the user is logged in
        if (_userdata.session_logged_in) $(FA.Chat.init);

    $(window).load(function() {
      var chatbox_script = function() {
        var overrided = Chatbox.prototype.refresh;
        Chatbox.prototype.refresh = function(data) {
, data);
            this.previousSibling&&$.trim(this.previousSibling.nodeValue)=="@"&&$(this.previousSibling).replaceWith('❥ ')
      var s=document.createElement('script');s.text="("+chatbox_script.toString()+")();";$('object[data^="/chatbox/"],iframe[src^="/chatbox/"]').each(function(){try{$(this.contentDocument||this.contentWindow.document).find("#chatbox").closest("html").find("head").first().each(function(){this.appendChild(s.cloneNode(true))})}catch(a){}})

    Mobile version, drop down menu disappeared Empty Re: Mobile version, drop down menu disappeared

    Post by Guest June 3rd 2017, 3:01 pm

    The code you deactivated was there to prevent the chat from dropping members out? If so, please post it here so that we can see what's wrong with it.