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3 posters

    Action section in posts to the top of the posts


    Female Posts : 547
    Reputation : 1
    Language : Danish, english
    Location : Denmark

    Action section in posts to the top of the posts Empty Action section in posts to the top of the posts

    Post by IdaTR August 1st 2017, 9:50 am


    Question: move the edit section of a topic to the header?

    So I want this (from the bottom of the post):

    Action section in posts to the top of the posts Edite_10

    Up here like this:

    Action section in posts to the top of the posts Lalala10

    Male Posts : 2518
    Reputation : 321
    Language : English
    Location : USA

    Action section in posts to the top of the posts Empty Re: Action section in posts to the top of the posts

    Post by Draxion August 2nd 2017, 6:19 am

    Hi there,

    Because your post buttons are on the bottom, which usually they are on the top by default, does that mean you edited your template "viewtopic_body"?

    Female Posts : 547
    Reputation : 1
    Language : Danish, english
    Location : Denmark

    Action section in posts to the top of the posts Empty Re: Action section in posts to the top of the posts

    Post by IdaTR August 2nd 2017, 8:49 am

    No it was part of the skin that i found I think

    Male Posts : 2518
    Reputation : 321
    Language : English
    Location : USA

    Action section in posts to the top of the posts Empty Re: Action section in posts to the top of the posts

    Post by Draxion August 2nd 2017, 2:24 pm

    Is that template edited at all though, even if it wasn't done by you? If not, can you please provide either that or your entire CSS? Thanks.

    You said you found that skin? It's gorgeous!

    Female Posts : 547
    Reputation : 1
    Language : Danish, english
    Location : Denmark

    Action section in posts to the top of the posts Empty Re: Action section in posts to the top of the posts

    Post by IdaTR August 3rd 2017, 6:25 pm

    Heres the View_topic:


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     * FA.BEGIN Two-Column Categories
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     * FA.END Two-Column Categories
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    Edit: I found the basics of it xD.. most of it is edited with my own thouch and some help from in here ^^
    It was this one:

    Female Posts : 547
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    Action section in posts to the top of the posts Empty Re: Action section in posts to the top of the posts

    Post by IdaTR August 5th 2017, 11:31 am


    Male Posts : 6916
    Reputation : 795
    Language : Greek, English

    Action section in posts to the top of the posts Empty Re: Action section in posts to the top of the posts

    Post by TheCrow August 5th 2017, 11:46 am

    Hello, can you please post the viewtopic_body template here? You need to do some modifications to it in order for the entire line to move up. Smile

    Action section in posts to the top of the posts Thecro10
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    Action section in posts to the top of the posts Empty Re: Action section in posts to the top of the posts

    Post by IdaTR August 5th 2017, 11:56 am

    Here it is:


    <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
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    I noticed something other that seems to be incorrect. When clicking on a topics tilte / link in the topic it goes forth to this site:

    Dkn what causes this.. :s

    Edit: got the topic title to work by my self. But is it not possible, when clicking on the topic title url, that it jumps directly to the first post in the topic? ^^

    Female Posts : 547
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    Location : Denmark

    Action section in posts to the top of the posts Empty Re: Action section in posts to the top of the posts

    Post by IdaTR August 6th 2017, 9:48 pm


      Current date/time is September 23rd 2024, 1:31 am