I know its possible to toogle the phpbb3 categories, but i dont seem to have acces to the toturials?
I know its possible to toogle the phpbb3 categories, but i dont seem to have acces to the toturials?
$(function() {
if (_userdata.page_desktop) return;
("JScript <jscriptbrasil at live dot com>, based on Invision.js");
var style = document.createElement("style"),
/* Versions:|phpBB2----------------------------------------| |phpBB3-------------| |PunBB-----------------| |Invision already have it!| */
oCat = $('#content-container .three-col td:eq(1) .forumline, #main-content .forabg, #main-content .main-head'),
oThis = null,
oTemp = null,
sEval = '';
style.type = "text/css";
style.innerHTML =
'.contract, .expand {' +
' background: url("http://2img.net/i/fa/invision/exp_minus.gif") no-repeat scroll 50% 50% rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);' +
' cursor: pointer;' +
' float: right;' +
' padding-right: 55px;' +
' padding-top: 10px;' +
' padding-bottom: 19px;' +
' margin-top: -35px;' +
'}' +
'.expand {' +
' background: url("http://2img.net/i/fa/invision/exp_plus.gif") no-repeat scroll 50% 50% rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);' +
switch (oCat[0].className) {
case 'forumline': //phpBB2
sEval = "oTemp = oThis.find('tr').first();oTemp.addClass('title-bar');" +
"oTemp.find('th:last').append('<div onclick=\"toggleCategory(\\'c' + i + '\\');\" id=\"bc' + i + '\" class=\"contract\" style=\"margin-top: -15px;\"> </div>');" +
"oThis.find('tr').not('.title-bar').addClass('c' + i);";
case 'forabg': //phpBB3
sEval = "oThis.find('ul.topiclist:first dl.icon').append('<div onclick=\"toggleCategory(\\'c' + i + '\\');\" id=\"bc' + i + '\" class=\"contract\"> </div>');" +
"oThis.find('ul.topiclist.forums').attr('id', 'c' + i);";
case 'main-head': //PunBB
sEval = "oThis.find('h2').append('<div onclick=\"toggleCategory(\\'c' + i + '\\');\" id=\"bc' + i + '\" class=\"contract\"> </div>');" +
"oThis.next().attr('id', 'c' + i);";
for (var i = 0, len = oCat.length; i < len; i++) {
oThis = $(oCat[i]);
// by invision.js
function initCategories() {
var id;
cookies = document.cookie.split('; ');
for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
if (cookies[i].charAt(0) == '_') {
cookie = cookies[i].split('=');
if (cookie[1] == '1') {
id = cookie[0].substring(1);
if (document.getElementById(id)) {
// by invision.js, modified by JScript
function toggleCategory(id) {
var obj = document.getElementById(id);
var button = document.getElementById('b' + id);
if (obj) {
var toggle = obj.style.display == 'none';
obj.style.display = toggle ? '' : 'none';
} else {
var elems = document.getElementsByClassName(id);
for (var i = 0, len = elems.length; i < len; i++) {
var toggle = elems[i].style.display == 'none';
elems[i].style.display = toggle ? '' : 'none';
button.className = toggle ? 'contract' : 'expand';
my_setcookie('_' + id, toggle ? '' : '1', true);
return false
▲ -> contract
▼ -> expand
$(function() {
var online = document.getElementById('memberStat');
if (online) {
online.innerHTML = online.innerHTML.replace(/, \d+ Hidden/, '');