By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information. Hitskin_logo

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4 posters

    By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information.

    Active Poster

    Male Posts : 1883
    Reputation : 22
    Language : Bulgarian

    By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information. Empty By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information.

    Post by smurfavr May 25th 2018, 12:09 pm

    How do I put a box of information by putting the cursor in the name.

    By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information. DHOYGoh

    Female Posts : 15265
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    Location : Greece

    By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information. Empty Re: By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information.

    Post by skouliki May 25th 2018, 12:19 pm

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    Male Posts : 1883
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    By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information. Empty Re: By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information.

    Post by smurfavr May 25th 2018, 12:28 pm

    I added the code but it does not work.

    $(function() {
      var links = $('a[href^="/u"]').filter(function() {
        if (this.firstChild && this.firstChild.tagName) {
          if (this.firstChild.tagName != 'IMG') {
            return this;
        } else {
          return this;
      usersinfo = {};

      links.tooltipster && links.not('.mentiontag, .tooltipstered').filter(function() {
        if (!$(this).closest('#tabs')[0]) {
          return this;
        animation : 'fade',
        interactive : true,
        contentAsHTML : true,
        minWidth : 300,
        maxWidth : 300,
        delay : 500,
        arrowColor : "#EEE",
        autoClose : true,
        content : 'Loading...',
        functionBefore: function(origin, continueTooltip) {

          var userid = $(this).attr('href').replace(/.*?\/u(\d+).*/, '$1');
          if ('ajax') !== 'cached') {
            if (usersinfo[userid] != undefined) {
              origin.tooltipster('content', usersinfo[userid]).data('ajax', 'cached');
            } else {
                type: 'GET',
                url: "/ajax/index.php",
                dataType: "html",
                data: {
                  f: "m",
                  user_id: userid

                success: function(html) {
                  usersinfo[userid] = html;
                  origin.tooltipster('content', html).data('ajax', 'cached');

    Female Posts : 15265
    Reputation : 1701
    Language : English,Greek
    Location : Greece

    By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information. Empty Re: By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information.

    Post by skouliki May 25th 2018, 12:46 pm

    check if your java is enabled please

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    Male Posts : 1883
    Reputation : 22
    Language : Bulgarian

    By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information. Empty Re: By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information.

    Post by smurfavr May 25th 2018, 12:47 pm

    Java is enabled.

    Activate the preview of profiles on the tag usernames : Yes

    Female Posts : 15265
    Reputation : 1701
    Language : English,Greek
    Location : Greece

    By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information. Empty Re: By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information.

    Post by skouliki May 25th 2018, 1:00 pm

    try this


      var links = $('a[href^="/u"]'),
          usersinfo = {};
      links.tooltipster && links.not('.mentiontag, .tooltipstered').tooltipster({
        animation : 'fade',
        interactive : true,
        contentAsHTML : true,
        minWidth : 300,
        maxWidth : 300,
        delay : 500,
        arrowColor : "#EEE",
        autoClose : true,
        content : 'Loading...',
        functionBefore: function(origin, continueTooltip) {
          var userid = $(this).attr('href').replace(/.*?\/u(\d+).*/, '$1');
          if ('ajax') !== 'cached') {
            if (usersinfo[userid] != undefined) {
              origin.tooltipster('content', usersinfo[userid]).data('ajax', 'cached');
            } else {
                type: 'GET',
                url: "/ajax/index.php",
                dataType: "html",
                data: {
                  f: "m",
                  user_id: userid
                success: function(html) {
                  usersinfo[userid] = html;
                  origin.tooltipster('content', html).data('ajax', 'cached');

    Active Poster

    Male Posts : 1883
    Reputation : 22
    Language : Bulgarian

    By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information. Empty Re: By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information.

    Post by smurfavr May 25th 2018, 1:03 pm

    There is no change.

    Posts : 898
    Reputation : 157
    Language : 🇵🇹

    By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information. Empty Re: By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information.

    Post by tikky May 25th 2018, 1:47 pm

    Hey @smurfavr,
    Do you want this? see more.

    $(function() {
      var max_users = 10, // max number of users

          // language data
          lang = {
            view_group : 'View the full group',
            loading : 'Loading...',
            view_err : 'The group data could not be retrieved.'

          links = $('a[href^="/g"]').filter(function() {
            if (/\/g\d+-/.test(this.href)) {
              return this;

          groupsinfo = {};

      links.tooltipster && links.not('.tooltipstered').tooltipster({
        animation : 'fade',
        interactive : true,
        contentAsHTML : true,
        minWidth : 300,
        maxWidth : 300,
        delay : 500,
        theme : 'tooltipster-default',
        arrowColor : "#EEE",
        autoClose : true,
        content : lang.loading,
        functionBefore : function(origin, continueTooltip) {

          var groupURL = $(this).attr('href'),
              groupId = groupURL.replace(/.*?\/g(\d+).*/, '$1'),
              groupName = $(this).text();

          if ('ajax') !== 'cached') {
            if (groupsinfo[groupId] != undefined) {
              origin.tooltipster('content', groupsinfo[groupId]).data('ajax', 'cached');
            } else {
              $.get(groupURL, function(d) {
                var user = $('form[action="' + groupURL + '"] a[href^="/u"]', d),
                    i = 0,
                    container = $('<div>'+
                      '<div class="fa_group_preview">'+
                        '<h2 class="fa_group_name">' + groupName + '</h2>'+
                        '<p class="fa_group_desc">' + $('form[action^="/g"]', d).find('dl:eq(1) dd, tr:eq(2) td.row2 .gen').text() + '</p>'+
                        '<ol class="fa_group_list"></ol>'+
                        '<div class="fa_group_button">'+
                          '<a href="' + groupURL + '" class="button1">' + lang.view_group + '</a>'+

                for (; i < max_users; i++) {
                  if (user[i]) {
                    li = document.createElement('LI');
                    $('ol', container).append(li);

                if (!$('li', container).length) {
                  $('ol', container).after('<div>' + lang.view_err + '</div>');

                groupsinfo[groupId] = container.html();
                origin.tooltipster('content', groupsinfo[groupId]).data('ajax', 'cached');

        '<style type="text/css">'+
          '.fa_group_preview { font-family:Arial; font-size:12px; color:#000; }'+
          '.fa_group_preview a { text-decoration:none; }'+
          'h2.fa_group_name { font-size:24px; }'+
          'p.fa_group_desc, h2.fa_group_name { margin:10px 0 10px 0; }'+
          'ol.fa_group_list { margin:0 25px; padding:0; }'+
          '.fa_group_button { margin-top:10px; text-align:center; }'+

    Active Poster

    Male Posts : 1883
    Reputation : 22
    Language : Bulgarian

    By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information. Empty Re: By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information.

    Post by smurfavr May 25th 2018, 4:47 pm

    There is no change.

    Female Posts : 15265
    Reputation : 1701
    Language : English,Greek
    Location : Greece

    By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information. Empty Re: By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information.

    Post by skouliki May 25th 2018, 5:36 pm

    I tested all the codes and they are working for me 
    Are you sure you are doing all the steps correctly?

    Active Poster

    Male Posts : 1883
    Reputation : 22
    Language : Bulgarian

    By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information. Empty Re: By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information.

    Post by smurfavr May 25th 2018, 7:43 pm


    Posts : 898
    Reputation : 157
    Language : 🇵🇹

    By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information. Empty Re: By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information.

    Post by tikky May 25th 2018, 9:02 pm

    Make sure scripts are active;
    Enter your ACP > Modules > HTML & JAVASCRIPT > JavaScript Code Management and "Enable JavaScript Code Management" check yes.
    Active Poster

    Male Posts : 1883
    Reputation : 22
    Language : Bulgarian

    By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information. Empty Re: By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information.

    Post by smurfavr May 25th 2018, 10:04 pm


    Female Posts : 15265
    Reputation : 1701
    Language : English,Greek
    Location : Greece

    By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information. Empty Re: By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information.

    Post by skouliki May 26th 2018, 11:18 am

    then maybe another java is causing a conflict, you need to check one by one your javascript to find the error


    Male Posts : 19212
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    By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information. Empty Re: By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information.

    Post by Ape May 26th 2018, 5:42 pm

    also if you have made lots of change to your Templates this may also make problems.

    By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information. Left1212By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information. Center11By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information. Right112
    By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information. Ape_b110
    By placing the cursor in a name to display a box of information. Ape1010