help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think) Hitskin_logo

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    help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think)


    help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think) Empty help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think)

    Post by Guest April 8th 2008, 6:10 pm

    i have seen it on other forumostion

    this what i want it to look like but i haven't got a clue how to do it
    help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think) Beta-1

    here my forum to see what it look like now
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    help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think) Empty Re: help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think)

    Post by zakir321 April 8th 2008, 9:50 pm

    This could be done with a CSS code. Enter it in "Stlyes / Colors / CSS" and submit. Change the parts marked red to the image-url of your background.

    .navbar{ background-image: url("IMAGE URL")}

    However, this code above would also change the background of the footer navbar. If you don't want this, try this one below instead:

    .pageheader .navbar{ background-image: url("IMAGE URL")}

    help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think) Empty Re: help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think)

    Post by Guest April 8th 2008, 10:38 pm

    i put that code in but i cant change the colour of the nav bar links blackeye do i have to add somemore codes to it

    ok i found out what i was doing wrong is their a way of just chagine the colour of the nar bar links but not changing the colour of the forum links colour too?

    help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think) Empty Re: help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think)

    Post by Guest April 8th 2008, 11:22 pm

    Just so others know incase they want to do this, where exactly do you put this code:

    .pageheader .navbar{ background-image: url("IMAGE URL")}

    help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think) Empty Re: help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think)

    Post by Guest April 8th 2008, 11:30 pm

    in the css stylesheet

    Very Happy it works blackeye my problem is changing the colour of the nar bar links without changing the forum links

    help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think) Empty Re: help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think)

    Post by Guest April 8th 2008, 11:36 pm

    any particular spot?

    help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think) Empty Re: help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think)

    Post by Guest April 8th 2008, 11:51 pm

    have you got alot of codes there?

    becasue i have only have a few line of code there i just put it at the button of it

    help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think) Empty Re: help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think)

    Post by Guest April 9th 2008, 12:27 am

    uhmm ya as I edit the colors images and all there
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    help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think) Empty Re: help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think)

    Post by zakir321 April 9th 2008, 8:52 pm

    This code below should work here - I think you want to change the font-color of the links (home, portal, etc...) in your navigation bar? Smile


    help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think) Empty Re: help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think)

    Post by Guest April 9th 2008, 9:00 pm

    it's only doing half the links

    here look at my forum


    i just deleted my cookie and they all show up white but whne you click on 1 they turn back to the blue and my nav bar background is not showing up now

    #wrap {
    width: 1010px;
    #min-width {
     min-width: 1010px;
    * html .conteneur_minwidth_IE {
      /* Hack IE min-width */padding-left: 1010px;
    * html .conteneur_container_IE {
      /* Hack IE min-width */margin-left: -1010px;
      position: relative;
    .pageheader .navbar{ background-image: url("")}

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    help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think) Empty Re: help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think)

    Post by zakir321 April 9th 2008, 10:14 pm

    Ouch, I'm really stupid. Realized that I labeled the header-selector faulty... so the correct code would be:

    #page-header .navbar{background-image: url("")}

    And if you want the links the same color all the time, even on mouseover, click... then you have to use this code:

    a.mainmenu:link, a.mainmenu:visited, a.mainmenu:hover, a.mainmenu:active{color:#fff}

    Sorry again about the mistake... I vow betterment! TT

    help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think) Empty Re: help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think)

    Post by Guest April 9th 2008, 10:36 pm

    Very Happy thanks, 2 more thing, how do it change the colour of the button link Home/Make a forum/©️ phpbb/Free forum support/Create your blog to white and how do i make it change colour when i move the mouse over it
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    help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think) Empty Re: help with nar bar( in the wrong place i think)

    Post by zakir321 April 10th 2008, 1:42 pm

    There you go, the second part is the hover(mouseover) color:


    #page-footer, #page-footer a:link, #page-footer a:visited, #page-footer a:active{color:white}
    #page-footer a:hover{color:#0000ff}/*font-color when hovering your mouse over footer-links*/
