How do I submit my forum to the Forum Directory? [Solved] Hitskin_logo

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2 posters

    How do I submit my forum to the Forum Directory? [Solved]


    Male Posts : 184
    Reputation : 23
    Language : English
    Location : Wales

    How do I submit my forum to the Forum Directory? [Solved] Empty How do I submit my forum to the Forum Directory? [Solved]

    Post by Morgan April 10th 2008, 10:12 pm

    I'm having some problems submitting my forum to the Forum Directory.

    I done this before on my main website, but I can't remember how to do it lol. Or maybe it was added automatically or something?

    Thanks in advanced.

    If you need my forums URL here it is:

    Male Posts : 6106
    Reputation : 264
    Language : Romanian, English
    Location : Bucharest, Romania

    How do I submit my forum to the Forum Directory? [Solved] Empty Re: How do I submit my forum to the Forum Directory? [Solved]

    Post by Luky April 10th 2008, 11:16 pm

    Go to admin panel=>General=>Homepage=>Configuration and look for this option "Participate in Forums directory" and choose yes then click the save button.

    Male Posts : 184
    Reputation : 23
    Language : English
    Location : Wales

    How do I submit my forum to the Forum Directory? [Solved] Empty Re: How do I submit my forum to the Forum Directory? [Solved]

    Post by Morgan April 11th 2008, 7:39 pm

    Okay, done! Thanks Luky Smile

    Male Posts : 6106
    Reputation : 264
    Language : Romanian, English
    Location : Bucharest, Romania

    How do I submit my forum to the Forum Directory? [Solved] Empty Re: How do I submit my forum to the Forum Directory? [Solved]

    Post by Luky April 11th 2008, 9:18 pm

    You're welcome.Since this topic appears to be solved, I will lock it and mark it as solved.