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4 posters

    Like/Dislike 6-26-20 Changes


    Posts : 152
    Reputation : 3
    Language : English

    In progress Like/Dislike 6-26-20 Changes

    Post by Settertude Fri 26 Jun - 23:44

    I did my best to follow instructions for the latest changes and this is what the change returned.

    Like/Dislike 6-26-20 Changes Screen21

    Female Posts : 15321
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    Location : Greece

    In progress Re: Like/Dislike 6-26-20 Changes

    Post by skouliki Fri 26 Jun - 23:48


    you have not copied the whole code or you delete an element by mistake
    a question mark or a parenthesis or a bracket is missing


    Posts : 152
    Reputation : 3
    Language : English

    In progress Re: Like/Dislike 6-26-20 Changes

    Post by Settertude Fri 26 Jun - 23:54

    I will try again, but I clicked on 'select code' and copied it.

    Posts : 152
    Reputation : 3
    Language : English

    In progress Re: Like/Dislike 6-26-20 Changes

    Post by Settertude Fri 26 Jun - 23:57

    All of the code selected is present. I just made sure and you can see it in the screen shot.
    Do you see something I messed up?

    Can you help me?

    Last edited by Settertude on Sat 27 Jun - 0:09; edited 1 time in total

    Female Posts : 15321
    Reputation : 1705
    Language : English,Greek
    Location : Greece

    In progress Re: Like/Dislike 6-26-20 Changes

    Post by skouliki Sat 27 Jun - 0:01

    Please don't double post. Your posts need to be separated by 24 hours before bumping. Please use the edit button, instead!
    Please read our forum rules: ESF General Rules


    Posts : 152
    Reputation : 3
    Language : English

    In progress Re: Like/Dislike 6-26-20 Changes

    Post by Settertude Sat 27 Jun - 0:04

    How did I double post?

    Male Posts : 51499
    Reputation : 3523
    Language : English
    Location : United States

    In progress Re: Like/Dislike 6-26-20 Changes

    Post by SLGray Sat 27 Jun - 0:05

    Settertude wrote:I will try again, but I clicked on 'select code' and copied it.

    Settertude wrote:All of the code selected is present. I just made sure and you can see it in the screen shot.
    Do you see something I messed up?
    This how.

    Like/Dislike 6-26-20 Changes Slgray10

    When your topic has been solved, ensure you mark the topic solved.
    Never post your email in public.

    Male Posts : 19327
    Reputation : 2005
    Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

    In progress Re: Like/Dislike 6-26-20 Changes

    Post by Ape Sat 27 Jun - 0:25

    Please post your templates here and use the Code tag's to post the code.

    I will then give you the update code Wink

    Like/Dislike 6-26-20 Changes Left1212Like/Dislike 6-26-20 Changes Center11Like/Dislike 6-26-20 Changes Right112
    Like/Dislike 6-26-20 Changes Ape_b110
    Like/Dislike 6-26-20 Changes Ape1010

    Posts : 152
    Reputation : 3
    Language : English

    In progress Re: Like/Dislike 6-26-20 Changes

    Post by Settertude Sat 27 Jun - 0:33

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
    <html xmlns="" dir="{S_CONTENT_DIRECTION}" id="min-width" lang="{L_LANG_HTML}"
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            href="{URL_BOARD_DIRECTORY}/search/improvedsearch.xml" title="{SEARCH_FORUMS}"/>
       <script src="{JQUERY_PATH}" type="text/javascript"></script>
       <!-- BEGIN switch_recent_jquery -->
       <script src="{JS_DIR}jquery1.9/jquery-migrate-1.4.1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
       <script src="{JQUERY_DIR}browser/v1.0/jquery.browser.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
       <script src="{JQUERY_DIR}support/" type="text/javascript"></script>
       <!-- END switch_recent_jquery -->
       <script src="{JS_DIR}{L_LANG}.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

       <!-- BEGIN switch_fb_login -->
       <script src="{switch_fb_login.FB_LOCAL}/all.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
       <script src="{switch_fb_login.JS_FB_LOGIN}" type="text/javascript"></script>
       <!-- END switch_fb_login -->

       <!-- BEGIN switch_ticker -->
       <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="{JQUERY_DIR}ticker/ticker.css"/>
       <script src="{JQUERY_DIR}ticker/ticker.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
       <!-- END switch_ticker -->

       <!-- BEGIN switch_ticker_new -->
       <script src="{JQUERY_DIR}jcarousel/jquery.jcarousel.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
       <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
          /* Definir le sens de direction en fonction du panneau admin */
          var tickerDirParam = "{switch_ticker.DIRECTION}";
          var slid_vert = false;
          var auto_dir = 'next';
          var h_perso = parseInt({switch_ticker.HEIGHT});

          switch (tickerDirParam) {
             case 'top' :
                slid_vert = true;

             case 'left':

             case 'bottom':
                slid_vert = true;
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             case 'right':
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                slid_vert = true;

          $(document).ready(function () {

             $('#fa_ticker_content').css('display', 'block');

             var width_max = $('ul#fa_ticker_content').width();
             var width_item = Math.floor(width_max / {switch_ticker.SIZE});

             if (width_max > 0) {
                $('ul#fa_ticker_content li').css('float', 'left').css('list-style', 'none').width(width_item).find('img').each(function () {
                   if ($(this).width() > width_item) {
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                      var new_height = Math.round($(this).height() / ratio);

                if (slid_vert) {
                   var height_max = h_perso;

                   $('ul#fa_ticker_content li').each(function () {
                      if ($(this).height() > height_max) {
                         height_max = $(this).height();

                   $('ul#fa_ticker_content').width(width_item).height(height_max).css('marginLeft', 'auto').css('marginRight', 'auto');
                   $('ul#fa_ticker_content li').height(height_max);

                   vertical: slid_vert,
                   wrap: 'circular',
                   auto: {switch_ticker.STOP_TIME},
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                   scroll: 1,
                   size: {switch_ticker.SIZE},
                   height_max: height_max,
                   animation: {switch_ticker.SPEED}
             } else {
                $('ul#fa_ticker_content li:not(:first)').css('display', 'none');
                $('ul#fa_ticker_content li:first').css('list-style', 'none').css('text-align', 'center');
       <!-- END switch_ticker_new -->

       <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
          $(document).ready(function () {
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             pm ='{U_PRIVATEMSGS_POPUP}', '_faprivmsg', 'HEIGHT=225,resizable=yes,WIDTH=400');
             if (pm != null) {
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             report ='{switch_report_popup.U_REPORT_POPUP}', '_phpbbreport', 'HEIGHT={switch_report_popup.S_HEIGHT},resizable=yes,scrollbars=no,WIDTH={switch_report_popup.S_WIDTH}');
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             <!-- BEGIN switch_ticker -->
             $(document).ready(function () {
                   height: {switch_ticker.HEIGHT},
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                   speed: {switch_ticker.SPEED},
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                   pause: {switch_ticker.STOP_TIME}
             <!-- END switch_ticker -->
          <!-- BEGIN switch_login_popup -->
          var logInPopUpLeft, logInPopUpTop, logInPopUpWidth = {LOGIN_POPUP_WIDTH},
             logInPopUpHeight = {LOGIN_POPUP_HEIGHT}, logInBackgroundResize = true, logInBackgroundClass = false;
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             width: 10px;

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    <body id="phpbb">
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       <h1><img src="" alt=""/> <em>Hit</em></h1>
       <div class="content">

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    <!-- BEGIN switch_login_popup -->
    <!-- BEGIN switch_like_popup -->
    <div id="like_popup" style="z-index: 10000 !important;">
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            <input type="button" class="button1" value="{L_REGISTER}" onclick="parent.location='{U_REGISTER}';"/>
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                         <span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>

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                               <p class="nomargin"><input type="text" name="search_keywords" id="keywords"
                                                   maxlength="128" class="inputbox search"
                                                   onclick="if (this.value == '{L_SEARCH}...') this.value = '';"
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                         <!-- END switch_search_box -->

                         <span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>

                   <!-- BEGIN switch_ticker_new -->
                   <div id="fa_ticker_blockD" style="margin-top:4px;">
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                         <div class="inner">
                            <span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
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                               <ul id="fa_ticker_content" class="jcarousel-skin-tango" style="display:none">
                                  <!-- BEGIN ticker_row -->
                                  <!-- END ticker_row -->
                            <span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span>
                   <!-- END switch_ticker_new -->

                   <!-- BEGIN switch_ticker -->
                   <div id="fa_ticker_block" style="margin-top:4px;">
                      <div class="module">
                         <div class="inner">
                            <span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
                            <div id="fa_ticker_container">
                               <div id="fa_ticker" style="height:{switch_ticker.HEIGHT}px;">
                                  <div class="fa_ticker_content">
                                     <!-- BEGIN ticker_row -->
                                     <!-- END ticker_row -->
                            <span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span>
                   <!-- END switch_ticker -->

                <div id="page-body">

                      <div id="outer-wrapper">
                         <div id="wrapper">
                            <div id="container">
                               <div id="content">

                                  <div id="{ID_LEFT}">
                                     <!-- BEGIN giefmod_index1 -->
                                     <!-- BEGIN saut -->
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                                     <!-- END saut -->
                                     <!-- END giefmod_index1 -->

                                  <div id="main">
                                     <div id="main-content">

    Posts : 152
    Reputation : 3
    Language : English

    In progress Re: Like/Dislike 6-26-20 Changes

    Post by Settertude Sat 27 Jun - 0:45

    APE wrote:Sorry what template is this one ?


    As instructed regarding the new like/dislike functionality.

    edit to add:
    Thank you very much for your assistance.
    This new code seems to have gotten things to ground zero. Perhaps I misunderstood, but I thought these changes were going to make more robust improvement to the look of the new --like/dislike--functionality and appearance.

    Nevertheless--thank you.

    Last edited by Settertude on Sat 27 Jun - 0:57; edited 1 time in total

    Male Posts : 19327
    Reputation : 2005
    Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

    In progress Re: Like/Dislike 6-26-20 Changes

    Post by Ape Sat 27 Jun - 0:49

    ok here you go remove all the code you have now and replace with this one Smile
     <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
            <html xmlns="" dir="{S_CONTENT_DIRECTION}" id="min-width" lang="{L_LANG_HTML}"
              <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset={S_CONTENT_ENCODING}"/>
              <meta http-equiv="content-script-type" content="text/javascript"/>
              <meta http-equiv="content-style-type" content="text/css"/>
              <!-- BEGIN switch_compat_meta -->
              <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE={switch_compat_meta.VERSION}"/>
              <!-- END switch_compat_meta -->
              <!-- BEGIN switch_canonical_url -->
              <link rel="canonical" href="{switch_canonical_url.CANONICAL_URL}"/>
              <!-- END switch_canonical_url -->
              <meta name="title" content="{SITENAME_TITLE}{PAGE_TITLE}"/>
              <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml" href="/improvedsearch.xml" title="{SITENAME}"/>
              <link rel="search" type="application/opensearchdescription+xml"
                    href="{URL_BOARD_DIRECTORY}/search/improvedsearch.xml" title="{SEARCH_FORUMS}"/>
              <script src="{JQUERY_PATH}" type="text/javascript"></script>
              <!-- BEGIN switch_recent_jquery -->
              <script src="{JS_DIR}jquery1.9/jquery-migrate-1.4.1.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
              <script src="{JQUERY_DIR}browser/v1.0/jquery.browser.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
              <script src="{JQUERY_DIR}support/" type="text/javascript"></script>
              <!-- END switch_recent_jquery -->
              <script src="{JS_DIR}{L_LANG}.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
              <!-- BEGIN switch_fb_login -->
              <script src="{switch_fb_login.FB_LOCAL}/all.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
              <script src="{switch_fb_login.JS_FB_LOGIN}" type="text/javascript"></script>
              <!-- END switch_fb_login -->
              <!-- BEGIN switch_ticker -->
              <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="{JQUERY_DIR}ticker/ticker.css"/>
              <script src="{JQUERY_DIR}ticker/ticker.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
              <!-- END switch_ticker -->
              <!-- BEGIN switch_ticker_new -->
              <script src="{JQUERY_DIR}jcarousel/jquery.jcarousel.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
              <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
                  /* Definir le sens de direction en fonction du panneau admin */
                  var tickerDirParam = "{switch_ticker.DIRECTION}";
                  var slid_vert = false;
                  var auto_dir = 'next';
                  var h_perso = parseInt({switch_ticker.HEIGHT});
                  switch (tickerDirParam) {
                    case 'top' :
                        slid_vert = true;
                    case 'left':
                    case 'bottom':
                        slid_vert = true;
                        auto_dir = 'prev';
                    case 'right':
                        auto_dir = 'prev';
                        slid_vert = true;
                  $(document).ready(function () {
                    $('#fa_ticker_content').css('display', 'block');
                    var width_max = $('ul#fa_ticker_content').width();
                    var width_item = Math.floor(width_max / {switch_ticker.SIZE});
                    if (width_max > 0) {
                        $('ul#fa_ticker_content li').css('float', 'left').css('list-style', 'none').width(width_item).find('img').each(function () {
                          if ($(this).width() > width_item) {
                              var ratio = $(this).width() / width_item;
                              var new_height = Math.round($(this).height() / ratio);
                        if (slid_vert) {
                          var height_max = h_perso;
                          $('ul#fa_ticker_content li').each(function () {
                              if ($(this).height() > height_max) {
                                height_max = $(this).height();
                          $('ul#fa_ticker_content').width(width_item).height(height_max).css('marginLeft', 'auto').css('marginRight', 'auto');
                          $('ul#fa_ticker_content li').height(height_max);
                          vertical: slid_vert,
                          wrap: 'circular',
                          auto: {switch_ticker.STOP_TIME},
                          auto_direction: auto_dir,
                          scroll: 1,
                          size: {switch_ticker.SIZE},
                          height_max: height_max,
                          animation: {switch_ticker.SPEED}
                    } else {
                        $('ul#fa_ticker_content li:not(:first)').css('display', 'none');
                        $('ul#fa_ticker_content li:first').css('list-style', 'none').css('text-align', 'center');
              <!-- END switch_ticker_new -->
              <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
                  $(document).ready(function () {
                    <!-- BEGIN switch_enable_pm_popup -->
                    pm ='{U_PRIVATEMSGS_POPUP}', '_faprivmsg', 'HEIGHT=225,resizable=yes,WIDTH=400');
                    if (pm != null) {
                    <!-- END switch_enable_pm_popup -->
                    <!-- BEGIN switch_report_popup -->
                    report ='{switch_report_popup.U_REPORT_POPUP}', '_phpbbreport', 'HEIGHT={switch_report_popup.S_HEIGHT},resizable=yes,scrollbars=no,WIDTH={switch_report_popup.S_WIDTH}');
                    if (report != null) {
                    <!-- END switch_report_popup -->
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                    $(document).ready(function () {
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                          speed: {switch_ticker.SPEED},
                          direction: '{switch_ticker.DIRECTION}',
                          pause: {switch_ticker.STOP_TIME}
                    <!-- END switch_ticker -->
                  <!-- BEGIN switch_login_popup -->
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                    logInPopUpHeight = {LOGIN_POPUP_HEIGHT}, logInBackgroundResize = true, logInBackgroundClass = false;
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                        var mypopup = $("#login_popup");
                          "left": windowWidth / 2 - popupWidth / 2
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                    display: block !important;
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                    display: inline !important;
                  <!-- BEGIN switch_ticker_new -->
                  .jcarousel-skin-tango .jcarousel-item {
                    text-align: center;
                    width: 10px;
                  .jcarousel-skin-tango .jcarousel-item-horizontal {
                    margin-right: {switch_ticker.SPACING}px;
                  .jcarousel-skin-tango .jcarousel-item-vertical {
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                  <!-- END switch_ticker_new -->
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            <body id="phpbb">
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              <h1><img src="" alt=""/> <em>Hit</em></h1>
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            <!-- BEGIN switch_like_popup -->
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              <div class="h3">{SITENAME}</div>
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                    <input type="submit" class="button1" value="{L_LOGIN}"/>
                    <input type="button" class="button1" value="{L_REGISTER}" onclick="parent.location='{U_REGISTER}';"/>
                    <input id="like_popup_close" type="button" class="button2" value="{L_LIKE_CLOSE}"/>
            <!-- END switch_login_popup -->
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              <div class="h3">{SITENAME}</div>
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                    <input type="submit" class="button1" value="{L_LOGIN}"/>
                    <input type="button" class="button1" value="{L_REGISTER}" onclick="parent.location='{U_REGISTER}';"/>
                    <input id="login_popup_close" type="button" class="button2" value="{L_DONT_DISPLAY_AGAIN}"/>
            <!-- END switch_login_popup -->
                      <!-- BEGIN switch_like_popup -->
            <div id="like_popup" style="z-index: 10000 !important;">
              <table class="forumline" width="{LIKE_POPUP_WIDTH}" height="{LIKE_POPUP_HEIGHT}" border="0" cellspacing="1"
                  <tr height="25">
                    <td class="catLeft">
                        <span class="genmed module-title">{SITENAME}</span>
                  <tr height="{LIKE_POPUP_MSG_HEIGHT}">
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                        <div id="like_popup_buttons">
                          <form action="{S_LOGIN_ACTION}" method="get">
                              <input type="submit" class="mainoption" value="{L_LOGIN}"/>
                              <input type="button" class="mainoption" value="{L_REGISTER}"
                              <input id="like_popup_close" type="button" class="button" value="{L_LIKE_CLOSE}"/>
                        <span class="genmed">{LIKE_POPUP_MSG}</span>
            <!-- END switch_like_popup -->
            <div class="conteneur_minwidth_IE">
              <div class="conteneur_layout_IE">
                  <div class="conteneur_container_IE">
                    <div id="wrap">
                        <a id="top" name="top" accesskey="t"></a>
                        <div id="page-header">
                          <div class="headerbar">
                              <div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
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                                    <a href="{U_INDEX}" id="logo"><img loading="lazy" src="{LOGO}" alt="{L_INDEX}"/></a>
                                    <!-- BEGIN switch_h1 -->
                                    <div id="site-title">{switch_h1.MAIN_SITENAME}</div>
                                    <!-- END switch_h1 -->
                                    <!-- BEGIN switch_desc -->
                                    <!-- END switch_desc -->
                                <span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>
                          <div class="navbar">
                              <div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
                                <ul class="linklist navlinks{NAVBAR_BORDERLESS}">
                                <!-- BEGIN switch_search_box -->
                                <div id="search-box">
                                    <form method="get" action="{ACTION_SEARCH}" id="search">
                                      <p class="nomargin"><input type="text" name="search_keywords" id="keywords"
                                                          maxlength="128" class="inputbox search"
                                                          onclick="if (this.value == '{L_SEARCH}...') this.value = '';"
                                                          onblur="if (this.value == '') this.value = '{L_SEARCH}...';"/>
                                          <input class="button2" type="submit" value="{L_SEARCH}"/></p>
                                <!-- END switch_search_box -->
                                <span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>
                          <!-- BEGIN switch_ticker_new -->
                          <div id="fa_ticker_blockD" style="margin-top:4px;">
                              <div class="module">
                                <div class="inner">
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                                      <ul id="fa_ticker_content" class="jcarousel-skin-tango" style="display:none">
                                          <!-- BEGIN ticker_row -->
                                          <!-- END ticker_row -->
                                    <span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span>
                          <!-- END switch_ticker_new -->
                          <!-- BEGIN switch_ticker -->
                          <div id="fa_ticker_block" style="margin-top:4px;">
                              <div class="module">
                                <div class="inner">
                                    <span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
                                    <div id="fa_ticker_container">
                                      <div id="fa_ticker" style="height:{switch_ticker.HEIGHT}px;">
                                          <div class="fa_ticker_content">
                                            <!-- BEGIN ticker_row -->
                                            <!-- END ticker_row -->
                                    <span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span>
                          <!-- END switch_ticker -->
                        <div id="page-body">
                          <div id="{ID_CONTENT_CONTAINER}"{CLASS_CONTENT_CONTAINER}>
                              <div id="outer-wrapper">
                                <div id="wrapper">
                                    <div id="container">
                                      <div id="content">
                                          <div id="{ID_LEFT}">
                                            <!-- BEGIN giefmod_index1 -->
                                            <!-- BEGIN saut -->
                                            <div style="height:{SPACE_ROW}px"></div>
                                            <!-- END saut -->
                                            <!-- END giefmod_index1 -->
                                          <div id="main">
                                            <div id="main-content">

    Like/Dislike 6-26-20 Changes Left1212Like/Dislike 6-26-20 Changes Center11Like/Dislike 6-26-20 Changes Right112
    Like/Dislike 6-26-20 Changes Ape_b110
    Like/Dislike 6-26-20 Changes Ape1010

    Posts : 152
    Reputation : 3
    Language : English

    In progress Re: Like/Dislike 6-26-20 Changes

    Post by Settertude Sat 27 Jun - 16:48

    Is there code available yet that makes the like/dislike word and icons look better and stand out more?

    Thank you.

    Such as what I see on this forum?

    Yes--the code for the like/dislike buttons on this form would be nice.

    Thank you.

    Last edited by Settertude on Mon 29 Jun - 15:11; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Bump)

    Settertude likes this post

      Current date/time is Mon 23 Sep - 20:23