pop up html or html on the forum Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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2 posters

    pop up html or html on the forum

    New Member

    Posts : 13
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    Language : English

    pop up html or html on the forum Empty pop up html or html on the forum

    Post by stinkfire April 14th 2008, 2:22 pm

    Hey what about a small pop up like at [b][color=mediumvioletred]Edit Skittles ~ link removed[/color][/b] where a little box pops up and you can put html in there. Instead of having to create a new page for all my html videos or embeddings. Also what about a box u (or a certain group) can add on there posts to include html. That would be better for videos and such.

    Also does anyone know how to put html into a post?

    Female Posts : 3013
    Reputation : 11
    Language : English, Sarcasm and a bit of Swedish
    Location : Sweden Göteborg

    pop up html or html on the forum Empty Re: pop up html or html on the forum

    Post by Skittles April 20th 2009, 5:25 pm

    No Poll! And not clear if this is a support question or a suggestion.
