by skouliki February 23rd 2021, 9:50 am
in Overall header  find this code and delete it
- Code:
<div id="{ID_LEFT}">
    <!-- BEGIN giefmod_index1 -->
    <!-- BEGIN saut -->
    <div style="height:{SPACE_ROW}px"></div>
    <!-- END saut -->
    <!-- END giefmod_index1 -->
next go to Index_body and find this code
{CHATBOX_TOP} below add
- Code:
<div id="{ID_LEFT}" class="main">
 <div class="main-head">
   <div class="page-title">
    <h2>Latest Topic System v5</h2>
  <div class="main-content">
   <table cellspacing="0" class="table">
    <tbody class="statused">
      <!-- BEGIN giefmod_index1 -->
      <!-- END giefmod_index1 -->
 <script type="text/javascript">
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    IE7 = document.all && !window.opera && 7 <= versionMajor,
    OP = window.opera,
    FF = document.getElementById,
    NS = document.layers;
   function get_item(a, c) {
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    if (NS) return c ? window.opener.document.layers[a] : document.layers[a]
   var current_tooltip;
   function show_tooltip(a, c) {
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    b.innerHTML = "<p>" + c + "</p>"; = "visible";
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    a.onmouseout = function() { = "hidden"
    a.title = ""
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    real_body = document.documentElement ? document.documentElement : document.body;
   function move_tooltip(a) {
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   $("#recent_topics li a:first-child").mouseover(function() {
    show_tooltip(this, $(this).next().html())
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    return '<span class="lastRight">' + this.title.replace(/.*\s-\s(\d+.+)/, "$1") + '</span>'
   $(".changeLast").change(function() {
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next go to your Portal template in mod_recent_topic and replace the template with this
- Code:
<!-- BEGIN classical_row -->
 <th class="double">
   <h2>Newest post
    <span class="right">Latest reply</span>
   <select class="changeLast" data-group="post">
    <option value="top_posters">Top Poster</option>
    <option value="active_starters">Most Topic Users</option>
   <select class="changeLast" data-group="time">
    <option value="users_week">Most Active Poster of Week</option>
    <option value="users_month">Most Active Poster this Month</option>
 <td class="double" rowspan="3">
   <ul id="recent_topics">
    <!-- BEGIN recent_topic_row -->
      <a href="{classical_row.recent_topic_row.U_TITLE}">{classical_row.recent_topic_row.L_TITLE}</a>
      <div class="tooltip_data" style="display:none">
         <span style="color:red">Subject</span>: {classical_row.recent_topic_row.L_TITLE}
         <span style="color:blue">Posted</span>: {classical_row.recent_topic_row.S_POSTTIME}
      <!-- BEGIN switch_poster -->
      <a class="lastRight" href="{classical_row.recent_topic_row.switch_poster.U_POSTER}">{classical_row.recent_topic_row.switch_poster.S_POSTER}</a>
      <!-- END switch_poster -->
      <!-- BEGIN switch_poster_guest -->
      <span class="lastRight">
      <!-- END switch_poster_guest -->
    <!-- END recent_topic_row -->
<!-- </tr> -->
<!-- END classical_row -->
go to mod_most_active_topics and replace the template with this
- Code:
 <th class="topicLast">
   <h2>Most discussed topics</h2>
 <th class="topicLast">
   <h2>Most viewed topics</h2>
   <ul id="active_topics" class="half">
    <!-- BEGIN TOPIC -->
      <span style="display:none">{TOPIC.TITLE}</span>
      <a href="{TOPIC.LINK}" title="{TOPIC.TITLE}">{TOPIC.NAME}</a>
    <!-- END TOPIC -->
go to mod_most_viewed_topics and replace the template with this
- Code:
   <ul id="viewed_topics" class="half">
    <!-- BEGIN TOPIC -->
      <span style="display:none">{TOPIC.TITLE}</span>
      <a href="{TOPIC.LINK}" title="{TOPIC.TITLE}">{TOPIC.NAME}</a>
    <!-- END TOPIC -->
go to mod_most_active_starters and replace the template with this
- Code:
<!--<td>--> Â
 <ul id="active_starters" class="half group_post">
   <!-- BEGIN POSTER -->
    <span class="lastRight">
   <!-- END POSTER -->
go to mod_top_post_users_month and replace the template with this
- Code:
 <!--<td>--> Â
   <ul id="users_month" class="half group_time">
    <!-- BEGIN POSTER -->
      <span class="lastRight">
    <!-- END POSTER -->
go to mod_top_post_users_week and replace the template with this
- Code:
 <ul id="users_week" class="half group_time">
   <!-- BEGIN POSTER -->
    <span class="lastRight">
   <!-- END POSTER -->
go to mod_top_posters and replace the template with this
- Code:
 <ul id="top_posters" class="half group_post">
   <!-- BEGIN POSTER -->
    <span class="lastRight">
   <!-- END POSTER -->
for the style add this to your css and you can change it depending on your needsÂ
- Code:
#content-container div#main{margin-bottom:0}
*+ html #content-container div#main{margin-left:0;margin-right:0}
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#left #recent_topics a{width:80%}
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th.topicLast{border-top:1px solid #F3F3F3!important}
#recent_topics li{margin:.5px 0}
#left #recent_topics .lastRight{width:20%!important}
.half li:nth-child(6),.half li:nth-child(7),.half li:nth-child(8),.half li:nth-child(9),.half li:nth-child(10),#active_starters,#users_month{display:none}
/* Tooltip */
#tooltip{background-color:#FFF;border:2px solid #333;color:#131313;max-width:550px;padding:10px}
Then go to your modules widgets and follow the below
tested on ModernBB and it is working
Last edited by skouliki on March 2nd 2021, 5:47 pm; edited 1 time in total