by NAMTron July 30th 2022, 5:16 pm
SLGray wrote:What exactly were you doing when you got that message? Were you in your AP?
Hi SL Gray,
Correct. I was in the AP under the following menu:
MISC->Credits management->Buy Credits->Paypal purchase option.
I have attached screenshots of the interface below where the error occurs to illustrate it better.
Ape wrote:Hello if you are paying monthly then it would come out of your bank each month automaticity.
Is it your trying to set this up for the first time or have you stopped the payment and want to set it back up again ?
Hi Ape,
Our forum is co-managed by both my self and the semi-retired Co-Founder.
Automatic monthly billing is enabled & linked to his account, and there is no issue with that - it is working as normal with no issues.
The error is only occurring when attempting to manually purchase supplementary credits as illustrated above.
Normally when we make manual additional monthly credit purchases via the AP menu paypal interface, it will redirect to a purchase option window where you select the quantities required, and then once selected, the paypal gateway window redirect appears to make the payment to Agestra Ltd for the selected credits amount.
Judging by the error message I am assuming that the error is either related to something in that payment gateway window, a browser update related issue, or an expired certificate?