Just Wondering about locking topics. [solved] Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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    Just Wondering about locking topics. [solved]


    Posts : 55
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    Just Wondering about locking topics. [solved] Empty Just Wondering about locking topics. [solved]

    Post by dremits April 17th 2008, 7:24 pm


    Just wondering... I know people may lock topics for various reasons but I'm just wondering when it would become nessesasry to lock a topic instead of deleteting it or moving it the trash?

    Last edited by dremits on April 17th 2008, 7:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Male Posts : 698
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    Location : Salt Lake City, Utah

    Just Wondering about locking topics. [solved] Empty Re: Just Wondering about locking topics. [solved]

    Post by travis_cooper April 17th 2008, 7:36 pm

    Since our search operates based on thread titles, please make your title more explicit so it will be helpful to others trying to search for this same question. After you have fixed your title somebody would be happy to help you.

    Posts : 55
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    Just Wondering about locking topics. [solved] Empty Re: Just Wondering about locking topics. [solved]

    Post by dremits April 17th 2008, 7:42 pm

    Ok done

    Male Posts : 718
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    Just Wondering about locking topics. [solved] Empty Re: Just Wondering about locking topics. [solved]

    Post by HaXBoX7 April 17th 2008, 9:06 pm

    select an thread and down down left its quick mod tools i recommend u select lock topic,itslocking ur tocip whithout any questions and after days it will be moved to forum waste basket Wink

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    Just Wondering about locking topics. [solved] Empty Re: Just Wondering about locking topics. [solved]

    Post by dremits April 17th 2008, 9:48 pm

    So you're saying that locked topics are automatically moved to the forum waste basket?

    Male Posts : 698
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    Just Wondering about locking topics. [solved] Empty Re: Just Wondering about locking topics. [solved]

    Post by travis_cooper April 17th 2008, 10:05 pm

    Not unless you have set up pruning for that forum. When you create a forum there is an option, you can go set this after you have created it too, that lets you set up pruning options. So you can say a topic that hasn't been commented on in the last 60 days should be automatically deleted. So, if you lock it that means nobody will be able to comment on it and in 60 days, or whatever you set it to, the topic will be removed. If you haven't set up pruning for that particular forum it won't get deleted.

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    Just Wondering about locking topics. [solved] Empty Re: Just Wondering about locking topics. [solved]

    Post by dremits April 17th 2008, 10:08 pm

    Ah I see. Thanks for that. But still hasn't answered the question why not just send it to the trash/delete?

    Male Posts : 698
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    Location : Salt Lake City, Utah

    Just Wondering about locking topics. [solved] Empty Re: Just Wondering about locking topics. [solved]

    Post by travis_cooper April 17th 2008, 10:17 pm

    You may want to stop people from posting any more replies, but perhaps the information is still useful. So maybe a useful topic was started and then a flame war started, so you want to lock it so nobody else can comment there anymore, but you still want people to be able to read it to see the helpful information. Or another example is the one we just talked about, maybe you want people to be able to see the information for the next 30 days, or whatever, so you lock it making sure it doesn't get commented on anymore, but people can still see it for the next 30 days, or whatever your pruning is set to. There are a lot of reasons to lock rather than to just delete a topic.

    Posts : 55
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    Just Wondering about locking topics. [solved] Empty Re: Just Wondering about locking topics. [solved]

    Post by dremits April 17th 2008, 10:19 pm

    Ah right thanks

    Male Posts : 698
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    Location : Salt Lake City, Utah

    Just Wondering about locking topics. [solved] Empty Re: Just Wondering about locking topics. [solved]

    Post by travis_cooper April 17th 2008, 10:34 pm

    Glad I could help.

    Marking this as solved and locking the thread