In hungarian language forum more words english (not translated). Hitskin_logo

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    In hungarian language forum more words english (not translated).

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    Pro Admin In hungarian language forum more words english (not translated).

    Post by Kalózkabaré June 11th 2023, 1:57 pm

    Technical Details

    Forum version : #PunBB
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    When the problem appeared : Used hungarian language and many menu not hungarian, only english.
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    In hungarian language forum more words english (all other hungarian):

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    How to translate this words to hungarian language?
    I'm translate all words, but how to modify english words to hungarian? (Editable txt/lng file or any file???)
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    Pro Admin Re: In hungarian language forum more words english (not translated).

    Post by Razor12345 June 11th 2023, 6:20 pm

    Good evening!

    Can you provide a correct translation of these parts of the forum in Hungarian?

    Perhaps we can help you without interfering with the code.

    Also, need to wait for a reply from @Luzz or @The Godfather

    In hungarian language forum more words english (not translated). Screen51

    Male Posts : 19315
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    Language : fluent in dork / mumbojumbo & English haha

    Pro Admin Re: In hungarian language forum more words english (not translated).

    Post by Ape June 11th 2023, 6:21 pm

    Dear Kalózkabaré

    Sadly we don't have any staff members in our head office who speaks Hungarian language.
    So we find it hard to translate all forums hosted by us in all the worlds Language.

    We have a small team of members on this forum who help us who we trust to deal with this sort of thing.

    I will tag @Luzz to see if she can help you on this matter.


    Ape and the team.

    In hungarian language forum more words english (not translated). Left1212In hungarian language forum more words english (not translated). Center11In hungarian language forum more words english (not translated). Right112
    In hungarian language forum more words english (not translated). Ape_b110
    In hungarian language forum more words english (not translated). Ape1010
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    Pro Admin Re: In hungarian language forum more words english (not translated).

    Post by Kalózkabaré June 11th 2023, 7:47 pm

    Razor12345 wrote:Good evening!
    Can you provide a correct translation of these parts of the forum in Hungarian?
    Perhaps we can help you without interfering with the code.
    Also, need to wait for a reply from @Luzz or @The Godfather

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    If there are any more that need translating into hungarian, I'd be happy to help.

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    Pro Admin Re: In hungarian language forum more words english (not translated).

    Post by brandon_g June 12th 2023, 12:20 am

    Thanks for providing those translations. I will mark this 'Pro-Admin' so that either Luzz or The Godfather will know to take a look at this for you (translations need to be approved and implemented by our team at the head office).

    - Brandon

    In hungarian language forum more words english (not translated). Brando10
    Remember to mark your topic In hungarian language forum more words english (not translated). Solved15 when a solution is found.
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    Pro Admin Re: In hungarian language forum more words english (not translated).

    Post by Luzz June 12th 2023, 9:47 am

    Hello Smile

    Thank you very much :rose: @Kalózkabaré and the Team!

    I'll try to update these texts as soon as possible (I hope, today).

    Thank you a lot Kalózkabaré for this help and for your proposition. I'll take a look to tell you what would be nice to translate as first priority. Also, if using your forum you notice other urgent translations (specially for your users), don't hesitate to tag me.

    I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Best regards sunny

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    Pro Admin Re: In hungarian language forum more words english (not translated).

    Post by Kalózkabaré June 12th 2023, 2:59 pm

    One little additional...
    In "Latest topics" list and forums last 2 day not simple (full) date (2023-06-05, 07:58), only shorted Today at 13:35:
    Today = Ma
    Yesterday = Tegnap

    Today at 13:35 = Ma 13:35-kor
    Yesterday at 13:35 = Tegnap 13:35-kor

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    Pro Admin Re: In hungarian language forum more words english (not translated).

    Post by Kalózkabaré June 14th 2023, 7:04 pm


    I've seen the change, but it's not perfect:

    Az utóbbi �rában belépett tagok - wrong codepage!
    Az utóbbi órában belépett tagok - good codepage.

    Nincsenek felhasználók, akiknek a következő apon belül lesz a születésnapjuk + plus N
    következő napon belül - "napon" good

    Not translated:
    Welcome "username" in top right.
    Welcome = Üdvözlünk OR Isten hozott

    Today, Yesterday = Ma, Tegnap
    in forum shorted date format

    3* (the rest is below)
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    Search in - Keresés ebben

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    Join date = Csatlakozás ideje

    Hungarian date format

    Szept or Sze

    You are in the following group(s) = Ön a következő csoport(ok)ba tartozik

    View profile - Profil megtekintése

    Gender - Nem

    Férfi - ok
    nő - not ok. Good: Nő (big N or férfi little F)

    Birthday - Születésnap
    No choice - Nincs kiválasztva
    Job/hobbies - Munka/hobbik
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    Download the information and content you have published on this forum - A fórumon közzétett információk és tartalmak letöltése
    Export your data - Exportálja a saját adatait
    Allow newsletters - Hírlevelek engedélyezése
    Allow the forum administrators to send you by email the most popular content of the moment (automatic newsletter sent once every 15 days maximum). - Engedélyezze a fórum adminisztrátorainak, hogy e-mailben elküldjenek Önnek a pillanatnyilag legnépszerűbb tartalmakat (maximum 15 naponta egyszer küldött automatikus hírlevél).
    Open report pop-up for new reports - Jelentés megnyitása felugró ablakban az új jelentésekhez
    Received requests - Érkezett kérések
    No pending requests - Nincs várakozó kérés or Nincs függő kérés

    *Search in - Itt található Not same the search/profile page! (3)
    Search page: Search in - Keresés ebben a fórumban (Search in this selected forum.)
    Profile page "watchsearch": Search in - Ebben a fórumban (In this forum ...without SEARCH!)

    All another ok, thanks! Good work!

    Mimóza likes this post


    Posts : 2023
    Reputation : 371
    Language : French, English, Russian

    Pro Admin Re: In hungarian language forum more words english (not translated).

    Post by Luzz June 15th 2023, 3:29 pm

    Hello @Kalózkabaré Smile

    Yes, I have not finished yet on Wednesday evening, so why I did not reply here. In fact, it took me more time as expected to update our tool Cool

    Also, I had some problems with validation of several texts, so why some translation in the same category were ok and others not.

    Normally, I have updated now all the content you gave me (excepting some issues listed below). (The last modifications will be online during the day, the update does not occure immediately)  Thank you very much again for the huge work you've done!!  In hungarian language forum more words english (not translated). 1f64f  In hungarian language forum more words english (not translated). 1f339  In hungarian language forum more words english (not translated). 1f33c

    • Could you please put your translation for this 2 items respecting the codes inside :

    I have read and agree to the <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Privacy Policy</a> for my information and Cookies

        I have read and accept the <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Terms of Service</a> and the <a href="%s" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Privacy Policy</a>.

    • The item "Actions" will be updated later   (it is in a little bit special folder that I can not update automatically)

    • Could you maybe also translate these textes (of course, if you have time for this  In hungarian language forum more words english (not translated). 1f64f ):

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    Thank you in advance !  :rose:

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