HTML code background color Hitskin_logo

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    HTML code background color

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    HTML code background color Empty HTML code background color

    Post by misabella May 15th 2008, 4:13 pm

    Hi Smile

    Did not know whether this would be a color or HTML related issue, but assume its the last.

    I have integrated a player and a countdown timer in the homepage message section, the thing is I would like to be the background of that section to be black like the surrounding area around it.

    The link to my forum is :

    I have tried numerous color options ( all as far as I know ) but with no success.

    Apart from that I'm quite certain the code is generating the white section as it only appears when I integrate the player and timer.

    The code is as followed ;

    <FONT color=royalblue>Welcome to the Valiant Forums, if you wish to be able to hear the music you will need <STRONG><EM><U><A href=""><FONT color=black>Quicktime</FONT></A></U></EM></STRONG> and <STRONG><EM><U><A href=""><FONT color=black>Realplayer</FONT></A></U></EM></STRONG>.&nbsp;&nbsp; We hope your visit&nbsp;is&nbsp;a pleasant one.</FONT>
    <object width="300" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="300" height="340" wmode="transparent" hidden="true"></embed></object>

    <embed src=""
    flashvars = "eventYear=2008&eventMonth=5&eventDay=17&eventHour=17&eventMinute=00&eventSecond=00&eventName=Age of Conan Early Access"
    quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff"
    width="200" height="72.727272727273"
    name="timer" align="middle" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain"
    pluginspage="" />

    If you could help me with this it would be greatly appreciated Smile

    HTML code background color Empty Re: HTML code background color

    Post by Guest May 15th 2008, 7:15 pm

    Here is a table code for color background.

    Replace: #d0d0d0 with the color of your choice

    Between the < p> </ p> add your paragraphs

    <body bgcolor="#d0d0d0">

    This is a paragraph. This is a paragraph. This is a paragraph. This is a paragraph. This is a paragraph.

    This is another paragraph. This is another paragraph. This is another paragraph. This is another paragraph.

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    HTML code background color Empty Re: HTML code background color

    Post by misabella May 15th 2008, 9:16 pm

    Hmm either something else is wrong then or I'm doing something wrong then in the code as it remains a white background.

    Adjusted the code like this but with no luck ;

    <body bgcolor="#000000">

    <FONT color=royalblue>Welcome to the Valiant Forums, if you wish to be able to hear the music you will need <STRONG><EM><U><A href=""><FONT color=black>Quicktime</FONT></A></U></EM></STRONG> and <STRONG><EM><U><A href=""><FONT color=black>Realplayer</FONT></A></U></EM></STRONG>.&nbsp;&nbsp; We hope your visit&nbsp;is&nbsp;a pleasant one.</FONT>
    <object width="300" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="300" height="340" wmode="transparent" hidden="true"></embed></object>

    <embed src=""
    flashvars = "eventYear=2008&eventMonth=5&eventDay=17&eventHour=17&eventMinute=00&eventSecond=00&eventName=Age of Conan Early Access"
    quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff"
    width="200" height="72.727272727273"
    name="timer" align="middle" allowscriptaccess="sameDomain"
    pluginspage="" />


    Male Posts : 667
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    HTML code background color Empty Re: HTML code background color

    Post by Brad38 May 17th 2008, 3:35 pm

    Hi Misabella,

    I was having the same problem as you, only I didn't have a music player embedded in that area. I couldn't figure out how to change the background colour though. Your post and the answers I got helped me solve my problem! Smile

    I'm not sure if this is any help to you or not but this is how my code looks:

    <div style="text-align: left; font-weight: bold;"><font size="3"><span style="color: RoyalBlue; background-color: rgb(30, 30, 42);">

    It is the way I want it now but where it says "background-color: rgb(30, 30, 42) is what I changed. Before it said "background color: white;" so I found the colour code number I needed and inputted it in place of "white". When I did this and went back to look at the html code it had changed it to "rgb(30, 30, 42)".

    I don't know if this helps you or not, but it worked for me. Smile

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    HTML code background color Empty Re: HTML code background color

    Post by misabella May 17th 2008, 7:20 pm

    Hi Brad,

    Thanks for replying and suggesting your tip, been toying around a bit with that code, but doesnt seem to solve the issue either.

    Odd thing is if i make a HTML page manually and I try the earlier mentioned code up in the thread it does seem to work, but on my frontpage it's stubborn.