Link sharing my forum via email [SOLVED] Hitskin_logo

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    Link sharing my forum via email [SOLVED]


    Female Posts : 594
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    Location : Florida, USA

    Link sharing my forum via email [SOLVED] Empty Link sharing my forum via email [SOLVED]

    Post by Bpoetic May 18th 2008, 8:41 pm

    A member has asked me how she may share our forum with her friends. I told her to just email them with the site URL . . . but it set me wishing for a more user friendly method. Is there a script that would open a new window with an email client ready with a link and a brief intro to my forum? If so, how do I go about doing that?

    Could it be incorporated into a navbar button? If not - where would I place something like this?

    Thanks, Bpoetic

    Last edited by Bpoetic on May 19th 2008, 8:13 pm; edited 3 times in total
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    Link sharing my forum via email [SOLVED] Empty Re: Link sharing my forum via email [SOLVED]

    Post by zakir321 May 19th 2008, 1:07 pm

    Hm... something similar is already available through the "Actions!" menu to the top right of each forum and topic. It basically does what you are searching for I think, though I don't think it's possible to customize the preset-text there.

    For a navigation bar entry, you can use this one as redirection URL:


    If you want to place a button at your portal, a forum description or anywhere else, use this html:

    <a href=""><img src="IMAGE LINK" /></a> Smile

    Female Posts : 594
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    Location : Florida, USA

    Link sharing my forum via email [SOLVED] Empty A problem . . . Found solution

    Post by Bpoetic May 19th 2008, 6:06 pm


    I found that if we use the direct link: rather than the html version - it is a working nav button! Thank you, Sunny!! bev

    Sunny . . . you're the best thing since the lightbulb! Thank you so very much. Hello bev


    You're still the best thing since the lightbulb Very Happy - BUT, I'm having a bit of a problem with the nav button.

    Look at this:
    Link sharing my forum via email [SOLVED] Tellaf11

    The icon is not clickable - but the red X is. When you click it, a pop up window goes to a 404 *Page Not Found* page. Then I'm taken to my Portal. I never get the email-a-friend option.

    Here's your html: <a href=""><img src="IMAGE LINK" /></a>

    Here's the icon pic url: Tell A Friend

    What can we do? Thank you so much, Sunny! bev
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    Link sharing my forum via email [SOLVED] Empty Re: Link sharing my forum via email [SOLVED]

    Post by zakir321 May 20th 2008, 1:15 pm

    Did you maybe use the whole html code as the redirection URL?

    If you create a Nav Link, use the following data for the fields:

    Menu: Something to identify, will not show up on the forum
    Picture: The URL to your image.
    Text: This is the text that will appear for that button if you hover your mouse
    Redirection URL: Just the target link.

    That way it should work. Very Happy

    ~ Sunny