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4 posters

    Offline button


    do we need button for offline ppl?

    [ 6 ]
    Offline button Bar_left46%Offline button Bar_right [46%] 
    [ 7 ]
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    Total Votes: 13
    Poll closed
    Dr. Jan Itor
    Dr. Jan Itor

    Posts : 231
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    Language : Swedish

    Offline button Empty Offline button

    Post by Dr. Jan Itor June 3rd 2008, 4:35 pm

    you know there is a button for players that is online
    i think we should we able to have a button for ppl that is offline too
    then u can have a button like thisOffline button Userofflineko4 for offline ppl
    and a button like this for online
    Offline button Useronlinele1
    alot of forums have these and well u can change buttons in styles ofcourse

    Female Posts : 3013
    Reputation : 11
    Language : English, Sarcasm and a bit of Swedish
    Location : Sweden Göteborg

    Offline button Empty Re: Offline button

    Post by Skittles June 3rd 2008, 4:52 pm

    It seems to me, if you don't see the online button, then it is obvious that they are offline.

    Maybe this could be something that you could add yourself via template editing, but I am not sure as I do not have it on my forums.

    But personally, I say no to this, as I really don't see the necessity for it, and there are much more important updates that could be done instead. This would be far down on my list of needed updates. Wink

    You might want to edit your polling options, as the rules clearly state there are to be only 2 options, yes or no. Wink

    - the multiple choice option must not be activated in the poll, just add two options : "yes" or "no" Wink

    Offline button Empty Re: Offline button

    Post by Guest June 4th 2008, 12:38 am

    I vote no, but yet it will probably be added

    Offline button Empty Re: Offline button

    Post by Guest June 4th 2008, 4:59 am

    I'm with Skittles on this one. It's a no for me, I sorry.
    Doctor Inferno
    Doctor Inferno
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    Offline button Empty Re: Offline button

    Post by Doctor Inferno June 4th 2008, 6:19 am

    yes, if we can have the option of weather to disable or enable it.

    Male Posts : 17924
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    Offline button Empty Re: Offline button

    Post by Jophy March 27th 2013, 8:24 am

    Suggestion Clean up

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