Changing the space width of the mini profile's and post buttons. How? Hitskin_logo

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    Changing the space width of the mini profile's and post buttons. How?


    Male Posts : 125
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    Language : English

    Changing the space width of the mini profile's and post buttons. How? Empty Changing the space width of the mini profile's and post buttons. How?

    Post by AdmiralJuicy Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:53 pm

    Hello, I'd like to know if it's possible to edit via CSS the width of the space of the mini profile's buttons and the post buttons, ya know, these:

    Changing the space width of the mini profile's and post buttons. How? Sem_ti10

    Thanks in advance!

    ~Tizo The Hedgehog
    New Member

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    Changing the space width of the mini profile's and post buttons. How? Empty Re: Changing the space width of the mini profile's and post buttons. How?

    Post by zakir321 Thu Jun 19, 2008 11:03 am

    Your board is on phpBBv3, so you can paste the following codes into "Display / Colors / CSS Stylesheet". The first one is for the edit, quote etc... the red value defines the space above and below the icons, the blue part the space to the right and left. However, you can't change a specific icon, only all of them.

    .postbody ul.profile-icons li{margin: 0px 0px;}

    The next code is for your profile icons. Again, it's not possible to affect only specific ones, just all together. Colors are the same as above:

    .postprofile ul.profile-icons li{margin:0px 0px;}

    Male Posts : 125
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English

    Changing the space width of the mini profile's and post buttons. How? Empty Re: Changing the space width of the mini profile's and post buttons. How?

    Post by AdmiralJuicy Thu Jun 19, 2008 11:39 am

    Awesome! Thank you Sunny_D!