How can I leave to activate the user’s without to activate across the inbox. Hitskin_logo

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    How can I leave to activate the user’s without to activate across the inbox.

    Don Trauma
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    How can I leave to activate the user’s without to activate across the inbox. Empty How can I leave to activate the user’s without to activate across the inbox.

    Post by Don Trauma Thu 3 Jul 2008 - 15:30

    How can I leave to activate the user’s without to activate across the inbox.

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    How can I leave to activate the user’s without to activate across the inbox. Empty Re: How can I leave to activate the user’s without to activate across the inbox.

    Post by Nazar Thu 3 Jul 2008 - 18:19

    Do you mean to make it so that you have to activate the users yourself?
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    How can I leave to activate the user’s without to activate across the inbox. Empty Re: How can I leave to activate the user’s without to activate across the inbox.

    Post by zakir321 Thu 3 Jul 2008 - 22:53

    I hope I understood you correctly here: You can change the account activation to user, that means your members will recieve an email with an activation link. Go in your admin panel to "Users & Groups / Users / User OPtions" and set "New accounts activation" to USER.
    Don Trauma
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    How can I leave to activate the user’s without to activate across the inbox. Empty Re: How can I leave to activate the user’s without to activate across the inbox.

    Post by Don Trauma Thu 3 Jul 2008 - 23:06 i understand you prety good but i won't when user's registers they accaunt activation automaticly...!

    Female Posts : 261
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    How can I leave to activate the user’s without to activate across the inbox. Empty Re: How can I leave to activate the user’s without to activate across the inbox.

    Post by timsmrs1 Thu 3 Jul 2008 - 23:11

    admin panel

    users and groups

    user options

    New accounts activation : User
    Don Trauma
    New Member

    Posts : 24
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    Language : Shqip(Albanian)

    How can I leave to activate the user’s without to activate across the inbox. Empty Re: How can I leave to activate the user’s without to activate across the inbox.

    Post by Don Trauma Thu 3 Jul 2008 - 23:15


    Female Posts : 261
    Reputation : 0
    Language : english

    How can I leave to activate the user’s without to activate across the inbox. Empty Re: How can I leave to activate the user’s without to activate across the inbox.

    Post by timsmrs1 Thu 3 Jul 2008 - 23:21

    welcome - just glad i could help as i seem to be asking alot of questions myslef lately, lol