Guests - how to turn them into members! Hitskin_logo

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2 posters

    Guests - how to turn them into members!


    Male Posts : 100
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    Language : English
    Location : UK

    Guests - how to turn them into members! Empty Guests - how to turn them into members!

    Post by VNinjaV July 12th 2008, 9:10 pm

    I've not found a thread with this but on my forum I always see Guests, the other day I saw 9 guests but give here your tips and tricks that make Guests become members.

    A well thought out welcome message in the portal would be a good idea but what words would you choose so the Guest would think WOW I'll sign up to this! Because they come to your forum in the first place because they are interested in your 'forum subject'. But how to encourage them to become a member?

    Share your wisdom here Very Happy

    Female Posts : 6203
    Reputation : 128
    Language : English

    Guests - how to turn them into members! Empty Re: Guests - how to turn them into members!

    Post by Nessa July 12th 2008, 11:29 pm

    Hello Hi, support requests are meant to be done in the adequate subsection of the Support Forum, whereas here we're in the General Discussions.

    Therefore I'm locking this now. Wink

    => Locked