Profile place in PhPbb2 Hitskin_logo

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    Profile place in PhPbb2

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    Profile place in PhPbb2 Empty Profile place in PhPbb2

    Post by gaikata August 8th 2008, 6:55 pm

    I read like a thousand comments on this but none gave a definite answer if you can move the WHOLE profile on the right side in PhPBB2!
    I tried it in phpbb3 and it does go where I want it: profile, avatar, and everything!
    But it screws up other stuff and the whole skin becomes very, very ugly....
    So CAN I move the members profiles on the right side of the messiges?
    edit: Oh yea and another thing..... I also didn't understand how to make a clickable profile name so that it opens the members whole profile.

    Female Posts : 49
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    Profile place in PhPbb2 Empty Re: Profile place in PhPbb2

    Post by bizigidibizi August 9th 2008, 6:11 pm

    i think imposible profil at right..but i wondering to how to make a clickable profile name