Adding this forum to an already existing website Hitskin_logo

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    Adding this forum to an already existing website

    New Member

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    Solved Adding this forum to an already existing website

    Post by JosephineV September 8th 2008, 7:50 pm

    I am making a guild website for Worldofwarcraft. This site needs a forum for discussions but I don't know where to start to make a forum so I decided to look to see if I can find a forum and just put it in my website. Is it possible, to add this forum to my website? Example: In my website there is a navigation area where my guildmates can go and click on things like "guild roster" to see who is in the guild and "calendar" to see what events are coming up. Is it possible to have a link named "Forums" where they can click and come to these forums? I would like them to be able to do this without having to open another window.

    Thanks in advance for help on this. Smile


    Solved Re: Adding this forum to an already existing website

    Post by Guest September 8th 2008, 8:06 pm

    It isn't possible to actually relocate your forum into that website however there is a few choices

    1. You can create a "Forum" button that redirects users to your forum you have made.


    2. Create your forum first then add additional HTML pages to create a website/forum styled page. All of the above is possible using the HTML pages section in the admin panel\Modules

    Have a look at my site linked in my profile as a reference


    New Member

    Posts : 2
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    Language : English

    Solved Re: Adding this forum to an already existing website

    Post by JosephineV September 8th 2008, 11:43 pm

    Thank you very much Craig Smile
    New Member

    Posts : 0
    Reputation : 2
    Language : english

    Solved Re: Adding this forum to an already existing website

    Post by zakir321 September 9th 2008, 8:21 pm

    I assume this topic is solved now, so I will close. Smile