Navbar problem -URGENT- Hitskin_logo

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3 posters

    Navbar problem -URGENT-

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    Navbar problem -URGENT- Empty Navbar problem -URGENT-

    Post by Aryan September 14th 2008, 6:03 pm


    I've collected images for my forum's navbars. They look fine, but they're all on the same line and they've made my forum's pages so big.

    Take a look by yourself : Gamers Vortex's Main Portal

    Please tell me how to seprate the navbar icons to 2 lines.


    Navbar problem -URGENT- Empty Re: Navbar problem -URGENT-

    Post by Guest September 14th 2008, 6:28 pm

    The images themself look fine on my screen but thats because i have a huge 22" screen

    I dont think there is a way to actually split the nav bar onto two lines.

    You could use the main ones on the nav bar and then create a small navigation widget for your forum

    But yeah there is no way to split the navbar into two line


    Cherry Blossom
    Cherry Blossom

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    Navbar problem -URGENT- Empty Re: Navbar problem -URGENT-

    Post by Cherry Blossom September 14th 2008, 6:44 pm

    they look fine on mine too 17" screen you could add a hompage message with them in that may work
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    Navbar problem -URGENT- Empty Re: Navbar problem -URGENT-

    Post by Aryan September 14th 2008, 7:04 pm

    No, I mean you need to scroll the page in order to see the next half of it.
    A homepage message? No. that's only for the index homepage. Navbar should be in all of the pages.
    A widget? Then how can I get rid of the real navbar?

    Are you sure that there isn't a way to split the navbar into 2 lines? It was fine until I added those images. And I really want them to stay.

    PLZ HELP!!!
    New Member

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    Navbar problem -URGENT- Empty Re: Navbar problem -URGENT-

    Post by Aryan September 15th 2008, 11:02 am

    Sorry for bumping, but please help me. Those icons are ruining my forum!

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    Navbar problem -URGENT- Empty Re: Navbar problem -URGENT-

    Post by Jalokim September 15th 2008, 11:11 am

    you should get smaller nav images or get rid of a few uneeded links.