adding a background image to nav links, whose online, statistics & possible hover buttons for post reply, quote, etc? Hitskin_logo

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    adding a background image to nav links, whose online, statistics & possible hover buttons for post reply, quote, etc?


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    adding a background image to nav links, whose online, statistics & possible hover buttons for post reply, quote, etc? Empty adding a background image to nav links, whose online, statistics & possible hover buttons for post reply, quote, etc?

    Post by RCMZ September 24th 2008, 12:39 pm

    alright, im wanting to add a background image to all three, all 3 of them the same image, which is a fade image. im wanting to add it to the nav header area, whose online and the statisitcs area at the bottom. what css code do i need to achive this?

    and also is it possible to have a hover image, change from the one uploaded to a silver when mouse it on it for the post reply, new topic, etc.
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    adding a background image to nav links, whose online, statistics & possible hover buttons for post reply, quote, etc? Empty Re: adding a background image to nav links, whose online, statistics & possible hover buttons for post reply, quote, etc?

    Post by zakir321 September 25th 2008, 3:11 am

    Mouseover images for the quote, ... buttons and a background image only in the who-is-online field is not possible though in phpBB v3. The navbar-image can be created by adding the code below into the textbox in "Display / Colors / CSS Stylesheet":

    #page-header .navbar{background-image: url(IMAGE_ADRESS);}

    Posts : 283
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    Language : English

    adding a background image to nav links, whose online, statistics & possible hover buttons for post reply, quote, etc? Empty Re: adding a background image to nav links, whose online, statistics & possible hover buttons for post reply, quote, etc?

    Post by RCMZ September 25th 2008, 6:23 am

    no, im just wanting the code to place a background behind them, like the code you just gave me did. which it worked like it was supposed too Wink

    click the link to the right, and ull see the code that u gave me working, i now want to do t he same image down for the whose online and statistics area. is there a code for that?

    edit: im having the admin problem again, i have to click save like 50 times to get it all back to normal Mad

    edit again: back to normal