Your MS Paint Art - Discussion Hitskin_logo

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3 posters

    Your MS Paint Art - Discussion

    Active Poster

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    Your MS Paint Art - Discussion Empty Your MS Paint Art - Discussion

    Post by RikaComet October 5th 2008, 1:42 pm

    Discuss here your piece of Art you made in Microsft Paint

    here's a master piece from me , warning be ready to jump !


    COOOOOOL NO? Very Happy Very Happy

    Rule 1
    Pls don't show off or lie about those you made in Photoshop or other programs!
    thank you
    Active Poster

    Male Posts : 1759
    Reputation : 62
    Location : England.

    Your MS Paint Art - Discussion Empty Re: Your MS Paint Art - Discussion

    Post by Tilum October 5th 2008, 2:10 pm

    Well, even though it looks like a 3 year old drawing:

    As you can see, it's strictly copyright! Razz

    Female Posts : 6203
    Reputation : 128
    Language : English

    Your MS Paint Art - Discussion Empty Re: Your MS Paint Art - Discussion

    Post by Nessa October 5th 2008, 2:29 pm

    Since we've already got an (Only Topic) for graphics, a Gallery topic, and an (Only-Topic) for Graphic Design Programs, I will lock this topic now. Wink
