Please anyone tell me- Stars falling script Hitskin_logo

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3 posters

    Please anyone tell me- Stars falling script


    Posts : 503
    Reputation : 5
    Language : English

    Please anyone tell me- Stars falling script Empty Please anyone tell me- Stars falling script

    Post by middo2 October 11th 2008, 10:07 pm

    Could anyone please tell me what is the script for a falling down stars scipt or a something that is falling down and it is used for celebrating something? Also please tell me how I could embed it into the forum.

    I hoep you know the script that I am talking about >.< (Its basically like the snow script except hat I want a celebration themed script)

    P.S.: I use PHPBB3 and the forum color is gray.

    Male Posts : 450
    Reputation : 13
    Language : english
    Location : Some where in NY

    Please anyone tell me- Stars falling script Empty Re: Please anyone tell me- Stars falling script

    Post by endless013 October 11th 2008, 10:48 pm

    Heres where I get my falling images "click" ... if you have a small simple image just paste it where the heart is and "generate"... I'm on phpbb 2 though so I don't know how to do it on phpbb3

    Posts : 503
    Reputation : 5
    Language : English

    Please anyone tell me- Stars falling script Empty Re: Please anyone tell me- Stars falling script

    Post by middo2 October 11th 2008, 11:32 pm do you embed it to your forum?

    Also is there an easier way to this :S

    Female Posts : 366
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    Language : English, webkinz, beepish, baby talk, and tech
    Location : WONDER-LAND!!! XD

    Please anyone tell me- Stars falling script Empty Re: Please anyone tell me- Stars falling script

    Post by blogger July 26th 2009, 4:36 pm

    where do I put the code? Css style sheet?