Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Hitskin_logo

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    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.


    Male Posts : 132
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    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by §çà®Fãçë™ October 28th 2008, 4:53 pm

    As of today, the News widget is totally broken somehow and is completely out of proportion with the other widgets, so has ultimately fuxored the formatting of my forums, it was fine yesterday and for the last 2 months, and has not been modified since at all, what's up with that?

    Can you please fix it, instead of me having to remove that widget.

    Male Posts : 11037
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    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by kirk October 28th 2008, 5:42 pm

    the only thing i could suggest is placing the widget all the way at the bottom in the center of the board.

    forumotion widgets are screwy when it comes to placing things in them.
    if it's something that's not small it will take everything out of enlinement.
    if you put all widgets in the center. then you do not have this problem and can put even more in the widgets.

    so it up to you. but if it's just the one widget and you like the rest.
    try moving it to the center of the page at the very bottom.

    hope that helps

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    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by §çà®Fãçë™ October 28th 2008, 6:35 pm

    Kirk, no offence but I didn't ask for advice, I asked for the widget fixed to how it should be, and how it has been for 2 months without problems until today. I like the widget exactly where it is, if I wanted it at the bottom I would have put it there to begin with, so no it didn't help at all, you just stated the obvious.

    Can a mod please answer this thread and tell me if this bug is going to be fixed anytime soon, thanks.

    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by Guest October 28th 2008, 6:36 pm

    Scareface, it is because you used the code tags.

    For now use the quote tags instead.

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    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by §çà®Fãçë™ October 28th 2008, 6:39 pm

    Kilsek wrote:Scareface, it is because you used the code tags.

    For now use the quote tags instead.

    I see what you mean, but still this is a bug that needs to be addressed, I can't stop my players using the code boxes. it shouldn't work that way.

    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by Guest October 28th 2008, 6:41 pm

    Yes there is a bug with the code tag you used ([ code][/ code])

    use the quote tag [quote ] [/ quote]

    Male Posts : 132
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    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by §çà®Fãçë™ October 28th 2008, 6:45 pm

    Kilsek wrote:Yes there is a bug with the code tag you used ([ code][/ code])

    use the quote tag [quote ] [/ quote]

    As I said if you read properly, I can't stop users from using the code boxes, it's a necessary on our forums because we need code and scripts formatted this way, not to mention it wasn't me who used the code boxes, it was a forum user, this is a bug that needs to be addressed and fixed, but for now I have changed the news widget to another forum as a temporary fix, can a mod please answer this thread and let me know whether this is ever going to be addressed, thanks.

    Male Posts : 11037
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    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by kirk October 28th 2008, 6:58 pm

    §çà®Fãçë™ wrote:Kirk, no offence but I didn't ask for advice,

    none taken

    i was not given you advice. i gave you a couple alternative solutions as a suggestion(nothing more). i am not a mind reader or know whats wrong with your widget or how you had it? hope it works out for ya.

    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by Guest October 28th 2008, 6:59 pm

    I did read properly and was giving you a temporary fix until the tech fix the issue.

    I know about your codes I play never winter nights as well.

    You can use the quote as well as the code.

    The mods will tell you the same thing.

    Male Posts : 132
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    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by §çà®Fãçë™ October 28th 2008, 7:01 pm

    kirk wrote:i am not a mind reader or know whats wrong with your widget or how you had it? hope it works out for ya.

    Then you shouldn't have answered if you aren't qualified to, and theres nothing helpful about telling me to move my widget, a child could have figured that out.

    I did read properly and was giving you a temporary fix until the tech fix the issue.

    I know about your codes I play never winter nights as well.

    You can use the quote as well as the code.

    The mods will tell you the same thing.

    I'm well aware you can use quotes instead of code, but it is formatted differently so it makes a script look like crap, I don't need a mod to tell me to use quotes instead of code, we've established that 3 posts ago, I want an answer from a mod on when and if this is going to be fixed or not.

    Male Posts : 11037
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    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by kirk October 28th 2008, 7:20 pm

    §çà®Fãçë™ wrote:Then you shouldn't have answered if you aren't qualified to, and theres nothing helpful about telling me to move my widget, a child could have figured that out.
    are comments like this really nesassery?

    look bud. i went to your forum and seen the widget all out of enlinement.
    i gave you the best info i could think of at the time to only try to help.
    if you dont like that. then i do not know what to tell you.

    dont disrespect me. i only tried help you.if it was not the answer your looking for then say thank you but i'm trying to do something else and move do not know me or my qualifications. being rude and disrespectful to members will get you no ware.
    so you can sit here and argue and be rude all you want. i'm moving on. i have no interested in your rude,disrespectful,unesasary and immature comments.
    the nerve of some people.

    here's some advice.
    if you dont want to deal with members possible trying to help you here?them pm a moderator and ask them for help directly.

    Male Posts : 132
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    Location : Malmö, Sweden

    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by §çà®Fãçë™ October 28th 2008, 7:34 pm

    kirk wrote:are comments like this really nesassery?

    look bud. i went to your forum and seen the widget all out of enlinement.
    i gave you the best info i could think of at the time to only try to help.
    if you dont like that. then i do not know what to tell you.

    dont disrespect me. i only tried help you.if it was not the answer your looking for then say thank you but i'm trying to do something else and move do not know me or my qualifications. being rude and disrespectful to members will get you no ware.
    so you can sit here and argue and be rude all you want. i'm moving on. i have no interested in your rude,disrespectful,unesasary and immature comments.
    the nerve of some people.

    Look you just don't get it, but instead continue to hijack my thread with your nonsense, all I wanted was a mod ( which you are not ) to address this bug, you offered me weak advice that a child could have figured out, do you really think I couldn't have thought of that? I merely criticised your advice and let you know why it was useless to me, I'm sorry if you're an emotional guy who can't take criticism, that's your problem not mine.

    I just simply want the widget fixed and want it left in it's current position, now all I need is for a mod to tell me whether it's going to be fixed, not more nonsense about your feelings being hurt because I didn't like your advice, or because you don't like the way I come across.

    here's some advice.
    if you dont want to deal with members possible trying to help you here?them pm a moderator and ask them for help directly

    Oh I'm all up for accepting help when I'm asking for it, and the help is actually useful, as the other poster gave me some useful information as to why this issue is going on.

    Everyone spamming mod inboxes with bug reports instead of posting in the correct forums, isn't going to help at all. Please stop giving me bad advice.

    Female Posts : 30
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    Language : English

    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by mathmatika October 28th 2008, 7:59 pm

    Scarface, I'm not sure you'll get a reply let alone a quick one. My forum was not visible for four days and I am still awaiting a response from the Forumation staff. Thanks to reading about your problem, I took out my own widgets from our forum home page leaving only the standard ones and this resulted in the forum topics being visible. I agree with you such measures are not ideal, but in the absence of the staff/mods intervening what can we do? I suspect the other members have just tried to give you friendly advice knowing that you may have a fukova long time waiting for the cavalry to arrive. Kirk & Kilsek, thanks for 'hijacking this thread' otherwise I would have been left clueless, Scarface I beg your indulgence....

    Male Posts : 132
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    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by §çà®Fãçë™ October 28th 2008, 8:15 pm

    mathmatika wrote:Scarface, I'm not sure you'll get a reply let alone a quick one. My forum was not visible for four days and I am still awaiting a response from the Forumation staff. Thanks to reading about your problem, I took out my own widgets from our forum home page leaving only the standard ones and this resulted in the forum topics being visible. I agree with you such measures are not ideal, but in the absence of the staff/mods intervening what can we do? I suspect the other members have just tried to give you friendly advice knowing that you may have a fukova long time waiting for the cavalry to arrive. Kirk & Kilsek, thanks for 'hijacking this thread' otherwise I would have been left clueless, Scarface I beg your indulgence....

    The advice given by Kirk was to "move" my widget, not "remove" it, in fact I was the one who mentioned "removing" the widget in my first post, so none of the hijacking emo nonsense that isn't reletive or useful to the subject would have helped you, but glad I could have unknowingly helped you out by mentioning removal of widgets, but it's something I would rather not do.

    Don't be a sock puppet.

    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by Guest October 28th 2008, 8:28 pm

    To be honest after your outbursts at members trying to help, no-one now gives a crap about your widget.
    Members come on this site to help and be helped not to be insulted by a spoiled child throwing a tantrum.
    I find you rude and obnoxious.

    Male Posts : 132
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    Location : Malmö, Sweden

    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by §çà®Fãçë™ October 28th 2008, 8:47 pm

    couldbe86 wrote:To be honest after your outbursts at members trying to help, no-one now gives a crap about your widget.
    Members come on this site to help and be helped not to be insulted by a spoiled child throwing a tantrum.
    I find you rude and obnoxious.

    You are still under the impression I want your help Shocked, I think you're reading into this completely wrong, try actually reading the thread properly instead of shouting the odds like an oaf, this thread is directed to the moderators as a bug report, quit posting your emo crap it's a complete waste of time, and refering to me as a "child throwing a tantrum" then throwing your own insults around like a child is funnily ironic and certainly doesn't make you look clever.

    And if you don't like my posts, don't reply to them, it's fairly simple, now please stop hijacking a bug report.

    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by Guest October 28th 2008, 9:01 pm

    Obviously a 12 year old geek come pseudo-goth who thinks the whole worlds population is there to serve him.
    I'd love to be around when you turn 18 and do your national service. héhé

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    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by §çà®Fãçë™ October 28th 2008, 9:05 pm

    couldbe86 wrote:I'm obviously a 12 year old geek come pseudo-goth who thinks the whole world's population is there to serve him.

    I fixed your comment for you, oh btw, when trying to insult someone, at least use correct grammar and avoid making yourself look stupid.

    Female Posts : 6203
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    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by Nessa October 28th 2008, 9:24 pm

    Scarface, while I can understand your frustrations about this current issue you're having. You did come here for assistance with your problem and I see that members have tried to help you and a flame war follows? Not acceptable, There is no need for such outbursts , please refrain from posts of this nature in the future, or warnings will be given out and your topic locked. mwii

    Male Posts : 132
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    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by §çà®Fãçë™ October 28th 2008, 9:27 pm

    Nessa wrote:Scarface, while I can understand your frustrations about this current issue you're having. You did come here for assistance with your problem and I see that members have tried to help you and a flame war follows? Not acceptable, There is no need for such outbursts , please refrain from posts of this nature in the future, or warnings will be given out and your topic locked. mwii

    So is this issue being addressed or what?

    Female Posts : 30
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    Language : English

    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by mathmatika October 29th 2008, 1:41 pm

    so none of the hijacking emo nonsense that isn't relative or useful to the subject would have helped you...
    I found all the comments helpful Scarface, thanks. As for being a 'sock puppet' Laughing you may have a point; your more abrasive approach got a response from the moderator!

    Nessa, I'd also like to know when the widget bug will be fixed. Could you give us an indication as to what is happening please?

    Female Posts : 6203
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    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by Nessa October 29th 2008, 2:48 pm

    I have informed Typlo of this current issue, please be patient while he looks into this problem further. Wink

    Male Posts : 16217
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    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by Shadow October 29th 2008, 3:31 pm

    Could you please provide a screenshot of the issue for techs ? Thanks a lot.

    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by Guest October 29th 2008, 3:38 pm

    Now we know how to get near instant action from the techs.
    Be demanding in the first place.
    Be obnoxious to anyone who tries to help.
    Be demanding after the gentle tap on the wrist for the above.

    Male Posts : 132
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    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by §çà®Fãçë™ October 29th 2008, 7:23 pm

    I'll just ignore the above post, it's a waste of space just like it's owner.

    Typlo wrote:Could you please provide a screenshot of the issue for techs ? Thanks a lot.

    First here is an image of the News widget working how it should:

    See how it's formatted perfectly and the correct size just like the other widgets, this is how it should be.

    Now here is how it looks when it picks up a sample from a forum using the code function:

    Not good eh? So you can either fix it to format code blocks properly, or just have it not pickup on anything that uses code blocks, either way will be fine.

    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by Guest October 30th 2008, 12:35 am

    Giving orders to the admins, you really are an arrogant twerp.
    The post of mine was a comment as it seemed to work for you so its filed away for future use.
    Oh sorry I forgot you are a level 22 mage with the eye of horus and a pocket protector with matched pens lol.

    Male Posts : 16217
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    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by Shadow October 30th 2008, 9:21 am

    I've provided all necessary informations to techs.

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    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by §çà®Fãçë™ October 30th 2008, 1:18 pm

    Typlo wrote:I've provided all necessary informations to techs.

    Cheers mate Cool

    Female Posts : 6203
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    Language : English

    Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues. Empty Re: Recently broken forum widget is causing forum formatting issues.

    Post by Nessa October 30th 2008, 1:36 pm

    couldbe86 wrote:Giving orders to the admins, you really are an arrogant twerp.
    The post of mine was a comment as it seemed to work for you so its filed away for future use.
    Oh sorry I forgot you are a level 22 mage with the eye of horus and a pocket protector with matched pens lol.

    Couldbe why would you post just to harrass even after my request to halt this flaming? Please, do not post like this again in this topic. Confused