I've changed every button on the navbar BUT THE PM BUTTON WON'T CHANGE!!! Help please? Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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2 posters

    I've changed every button on the navbar BUT THE PM BUTTON WON'T CHANGE!!! Help please?


    Posts : 48
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English

    I've changed every button on the navbar BUT THE PM BUTTON WON'T CHANGE!!! Help please? Empty I've changed every button on the navbar BUT THE PM BUTTON WON'T CHANGE!!! Help please?

    Post by HEMISFEAR November 9th 2008, 6:29 pm

    ARGH. Every button looks a lot better than the default buttons...when I go to add the 2 pictures for the pm buttons, it tells me you have to enter a name for the new menu too...but, all the fields are greyed out and can't enter anything they tell me to do. What is wrong with this??

    I don't know how to go back to the default nav bar buttons without erasing my whole customized site pictures and forum setting like width etc. HELP

    I've changed every button on the navbar BUT THE PM BUTTON WON'T CHANGE!!! Help please? Empty Re: I've changed every button on the navbar BUT THE PM BUTTON WON'T CHANGE!!! Help please?

    Post by Guest November 9th 2008, 6:38 pm

    This seems to happen from time to time

    1. Navigate to:

    Admin Panel\Display\Pics management\Advanced

    2. On the first page that opens scroll down and add the images for PM their

    3. Press "Save" once you have done

    This will now allow you to change the images



    Posts : 48
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English

    I've changed every button on the navbar BUT THE PM BUTTON WON'T CHANGE!!! Help please? Empty Re: I've changed every button on the navbar BUT THE PM BUTTON WON'T CHANGE!!! Help please?

    Post by HEMISFEAR November 9th 2008, 9:15 pm

    Thanks very much Craig! I was doing the same thing under the headers and navigation section, and things screeched to a halt when I got to the PM button.

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    I've changed every button on the navbar BUT THE PM BUTTON WON'T CHANGE!!! Help please? Empty Re: I've changed every button on the navbar BUT THE PM BUTTON WON'T CHANGE!!! Help please?

    Post by zinex November 10th 2008, 9:43 am

    as this topic apears to be solved, i will lock now Smile