How can i change my free forum to a normal paid forum? Hitskin_logo

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    How can i change my free forum to a normal paid forum?

    New Member

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    How can i change my free forum to a normal paid forum? Empty How can i change my free forum to a normal paid forum?

    Post by edge-racing December 4th 2008, 12:52 pm

    um i want to know how can i change my free forum into a more professional and more feature's forum?

    Last edited by edge-racing on December 4th 2008, 1:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
    New Member

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    How can i change my free forum to a normal paid forum? Empty Re: How can i change my free forum to a normal paid forum?

    Post by edge-racing December 4th 2008, 1:00 pm

    also i would like to know is that possible i place my own advertisement?

    Female Posts : 3013
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    Location : Sweden Göteborg

    How can i change my free forum to a normal paid forum? Empty Re: How can i change my free forum to a normal paid forum?

    Post by Skittles December 4th 2008, 1:06 pm

    This is the second time you have posted a non-specific title, your title not being specific and therefore not facilitating research via the search option, I'm not answering (nor is any other member ) until you change your title to a more specific one, related to your problem.

    May I also remind you that double/triple posting isn't tolerated unless separated by 24 hours (Use the edit button) Wink

    Also, do not post more than one question that is completely different from the first, in the same thread. You need to start a new one for that.

    I realize that you are new here, so I will help you out in this way.

    Hello and welcome.

    Because you are new, here are useful links where you can look for answers :

    Arrow Frequently Asked Questions
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    Arrow The Search feature
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    Moreover, if you don't find the answer for your question, don't hesitate to open a new topic since this section is made for this!

    New Member

    Posts : 4
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    Language : english

    How can i change my free forum to a normal paid forum? Empty Re: How can i change my free forum to a normal paid forum?

    Post by edge-racing December 4th 2008, 1:11 pm

    opps..sorry and thx..=D

    Female Posts : 3013
    Reputation : 11
    Language : English, Sarcasm and a bit of Swedish
    Location : Sweden Göteborg

    How can i change my free forum to a normal paid forum? Empty Re: How can i change my free forum to a normal paid forum?

    Post by Skittles December 4th 2008, 1:22 pm

    You are welcome, and don't worry about it. You are new, you just need to learn the rules a bit. Razz

    By the way, I locked your other topic here that you started with an non-explicit title, because it was the same question that you asked here. We do not allow duplicate threads, and since this one had the appropriate title now, I kept this one and will garbage the other for simplicity.

    You might want to start new threads/topics for the other questions you posted here. Your title here and two questions you asked are completely different questions. Please stick to one per thread.

    Male Posts : 519
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    Language : english
    Location : PH

    How can i change my free forum to a normal paid forum? Empty Re: How can i change my free forum to a normal paid forum?

    Post by nimiel December 4th 2008, 1:37 pm

    you can't change it to a paid forum. what you can do is donate "credits" to your own forum and look at the misc and spend it What a Face hope that helps.