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4 posters

    Favorite movie


    Favorite movie Empty Favorite movie

    Post by Guest December 7th 2008, 3:19 am

    Seeing as there is a few "Favorite" topics. I think I have the right to make a movie one. Razz

    So what is your favorite movie? Mine is Sweeney Todd.
    Rezev Rose
    Rezev Rose

    Female Posts : 58
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    Language : Locked until someone request
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    Favorite movie Empty Re: Favorite movie

    Post by Rezev Rose December 7th 2008, 3:23 am

    My favorite movies are all the 'sad' movies

    Favorite movie Empty Re: Favorite movie

    Post by Guest December 7th 2008, 3:27 am

    Rezev Rose wrote:My favorite movies are all the 'sad' movies
    Well then it works out perfectly for you. Very Happy

    Female Posts : 163
    Reputation : 11
    Language : English
    Location : USA

    Favorite movie Empty Re: Favorite movie

    Post by WickedSoul December 7th 2008, 3:45 am

    X-Men 2

    Male Posts : 722
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    Location : Australia

    Favorite movie Empty Re: Favorite movie

    Post by ~Chris December 7th 2008, 10:14 am

    My favorite movie would have to be Borat. Well, that or the Texas Chainsaw massacre, (the 2003 remake.)

    Male Posts : 8969
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    Language : English, French & Female
    Location : You can't fly like the phenix

    Favorite movie Empty Re: Favorite movie

    Post by Caihlem December 7th 2008, 10:25 am

    This topic was locked during the Clean-Up.
    It is because there will be posts stating just the movie. This isn't exactly our definition of a discussion.
    => The part in the rules about One-Word-Answers

    => Lock