by clubpenguinforums January 22nd 2009, 9:25 pm
~We are adding a promotion section (for other club penguin sites)
Thanks you (: please remember the forums rules where you cant post on other promotions (:
Our Rules Are:
~Do not put any personal information, such as your age, address, or full name, in our forums. We want to keep our site safe and NO administrators will ever ask for any of these!!
~Do not put any obscene or innapropriate material on our site. This is an all age, family site and we want to keep it this way.
Posting and Accounts
~Please only have 1 account! You may have multiple accounts in a family, but only one for each individual use only.
~Don't Share your password!! All administrators have access to your accounts and will NEVER ask you what it is!!!
~Account names cannot be changed, unless for certain circumstances where you must pm a moderator or myself.
~Do not post random posts just for the sake of doing so.
~You can use common txt talk, like lol or bff, but no possibly offensive abbreviations like omg.
~Do not use any bad or rude words. Speak as if your family, teacher, grandparents, ect. were listening to you over a loudspeaker.
~Be respectful and mindful of all races and religions, although we do wish you speak English, as people may not know what you are saying.
~Do not tell anyone any more than your state, so dont even say your school, grade, or town.
~Do not put ANY pictures of you or friends on here, to be safe.
~Please only post advertising of your sites in our advertising section
~Scamming is strictly forbidden!!
~Do not tell anyone your club penguin password!
~You may not trade memberships at the moment, but you may be able to at a later date.