How do I keep members from PMing Admins? Hitskin_logo

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    How do I keep members from PMing Admins?


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    How do I keep members from PMing Admins? Empty How do I keep members from PMing Admins?

    Post by KingOfSports Sat 24 Jan 2009 - 16:14

    I don't want members to be able to PM me or any other admin. Is there a way to do this so that they have to contact a mod? Thanks in advance.

    Male Posts : 22186
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    How do I keep members from PMing Admins? Empty Re: How do I keep members from PMing Admins?

    Post by MrMario Sat 24 Jan 2009 - 20:45

    There isn't anyway of doing this.

    But the only thing that I could tell you is to disable your PM.

    Admin Panel>>Users & Groups>>Search User>Click on the admins>>Go down till you find Can send Private Messages>>Click No

    But I don't think you want this option.

    Male Posts : 29
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    How do I keep members from PMing Admins? Empty private messages

    Post by lenwick Fri 17 Apr 2009 - 8:54

    MrMario wrote:There isn't anyway of doing this.

    But the only thing that I could tell you is to disable your PM.

    Admin Panel>>Users & Groups>>Search User>Click on the admins>>Go down till you find Can send Private Messages>>Click No

    But I don't think you want this option.

    My Admin has stoped me from using private messages

    Male Posts : 474
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    Location : Pitesti, Romania

    How do I keep members from PMing Admins? Empty Re: How do I keep members from PMing Admins?

    Post by Lizzard Fri 17 Apr 2009 - 12:25

    That do this option.Stop the members to send pm's and recive pm's.
    Any way isn't .