*URGENT* - Gaming Arcade Problems (HALF SOLVED) Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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4 posters

    *URGENT* - Gaming Arcade Problems (HALF SOLVED)


    Male Posts : 413
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    *URGENT* - Gaming Arcade Problems (HALF SOLVED) Empty *URGENT* - Gaming Arcade Problems (HALF SOLVED)

    Post by Amandeep619 February 13th 2009, 3:19 am

    Ok, I have followed the instructions on how to make a gaming Arcade for my forums, and in a special note, it tells you to enable HTML codes in posts, and it leads you to where you can do so. Admin Panel Arrow Configuration Arrow Users and Members Setting* (not sure)
    So, now I don't know how to activate. My site is on other stuff, not just Arcade, so I want a seperate category only for games!

    Last edited by Amandeep619 on February 13th 2009, 10:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Male Posts : 413
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    *URGENT* - Gaming Arcade Problems (HALF SOLVED) Empty Re: *URGENT* - Gaming Arcade Problems (HALF SOLVED)

    Post by Amandeep619 February 13th 2009, 3:35 am

    I kind of figured this. It says that my HTML is OFF and my BBCodes is ON and my Smilies are ON! Well, now I searched for the HTML code section but I cannot find it... any help? It is not located under "User Settings"!

    Male Posts : 413
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    *URGENT* - Gaming Arcade Problems (HALF SOLVED) Empty Re: *URGENT* - Gaming Arcade Problems (HALF SOLVED)

    Post by Amandeep619 February 13th 2009, 3:39 am

    This is what I see when I go here to change the HTML settings. This is all I see:
    *URGENT* - Gaming Arcade Problems (HALF SOLVED) 2lmq5j7

    Male Posts : 368
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    *URGENT* - Gaming Arcade Problems (HALF SOLVED) Empty Re: *URGENT* - Gaming Arcade Problems (HALF SOLVED)

    Post by brij February 13th 2009, 4:52 am

    well i am not sure but Admin Panel Arrow General Arrow Forum Arrow Private messages & email there allow HTML.
    Hope it helps Takecare

    Male Posts : 413
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    *URGENT* - Gaming Arcade Problems (HALF SOLVED) Empty Re: *URGENT* - Gaming Arcade Problems (HALF SOLVED)

    Post by Amandeep619 February 13th 2009, 10:23 pm

    Thank you, HTML is ON now, but the only problem is that whenever I click "Preview" to see if I was successful in posting the Game, then I see it, but after I post it, and then go and see in my topic, then all I see are the codes... why?

    Anyone know why? Please tell me now! I need help!

    *URGENT* - Gaming Arcade Problems (HALF SOLVED) Empty Re: *URGENT* - Gaming Arcade Problems (HALF SOLVED)

    Post by Guest February 13th 2009, 10:48 pm

    Before you post code be sure to click A/A icon in top right of text area.

    Male Posts : 413
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    *URGENT* - Gaming Arcade Problems (HALF SOLVED) Empty Re: *URGENT* - Gaming Arcade Problems (HALF SOLVED)

    Post by Amandeep619 February 13th 2009, 10:57 pm

    OK, I do that, but after I do this, I cick Send and I don't see anything... everything is removed, and when I go back to editting my post, I see that my code is not there anymore, and then I click send again, and it says I need to write a message before posting... this means that my code just vanishes somhow...

    Male Posts : 413
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    *URGENT* - Gaming Arcade Problems (HALF SOLVED) Empty Re: *URGENT* - Gaming Arcade Problems (HALF SOLVED)

    Post by Amandeep619 February 13th 2009, 11:13 pm

    I figured out that I can post these hacks under the descriptions under the forums of the categories, or basically on the homepage... but I cannot do the same in posts... why?

    Posts : 135
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    Language : english

    *URGENT* - Gaming Arcade Problems (HALF SOLVED) Empty Re: *URGENT* - Gaming Arcade Problems (HALF SOLVED)

    Post by ken February 13th 2009, 11:27 pm

    it seems you need to set "Allow html" in your profile Wink

    Male Posts : 413
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    Location : Canada

    *URGENT* - Gaming Arcade Problems (HALF SOLVED) Empty Re: *URGENT* - Gaming Arcade Problems (HALF SOLVED)

    Post by Amandeep619 February 15th 2009, 1:08 am

    ken wrote:it seems you need to set "Allow html" in your profile Wink

    OMG I was so stupid lmao. Thanks dude, it works! But there is one more question that I have, and it is that can I automatically set "Allow HTML" for every registered member as default, so because I don't want to be explaining this to everyone!

    Male Posts : 6823
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    Language : idk

    *URGENT* - Gaming Arcade Problems (HALF SOLVED) Empty Re: *URGENT* - Gaming Arcade Problems (HALF SOLVED)

    Post by Rok February 15th 2009, 1:11 am

    That is not possible. But, you can just make an announcement in your forum describing how your members can allow HTML.
