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    Forum Discussion


    Male Posts : 8969
    Reputation : 342
    Language : English, French & Female
    Location : You can't fly like the phenix

    Forum Discussion Empty Forum Discussion

    Post by Caihlem May 22nd 2006, 6:57 pm

    I thought mayby we could talk about our forums here. you know, talk about ways to manage, keep good and stuff like that (or simply brag)

    so, here's mine:

    Name: ***************

    In it, our members incarnate a fictif person of Dragon ball. His/her name is a changed form of an original person in the series. It's knida like a game where you learn techniques and progress. There's also a part story to it too, with planet rescues and all and all.
    (here's the bragging part)
    We are part of the top 20's of forums based on mang in French (which is really good 'cause we're beating forums that are over several years old and other non-wanted mangas)

    So, there's my forum

    Forum Discussion Empty Re: Forum Discussion

    Post by Peter July 6th 2006, 11:19 pm

    Sorry My friend. Adverts are not aloud on that forum
    Forum Discussion 9cdc1d1c21ad240216c154d6509d1h