No personal galleries and no profile info Hitskin_logo

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    No personal galleries and no profile info

    New Member

    Male Posts : 14
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    No personal galleries and no profile info Empty No personal galleries and no profile info

    Post by WitchKing April 25th 2009, 5:40 am

    Still can't access personal galleries in my forum, this goes for all members. We see the icon image but no link to access one's personal gallery.
    Also, in Profile; no one can update any field whatsovever... it's like frozen in time. I've checked my admin settings over and over and over... but
    something else is wrong. For instance; if I update in my Profile my AIM address and click 'Save', it Doesn't! On maybe the page_post or whatever it get's lost
    or something, I don't know. Would really appreciate any help on either issue; shootin' for both.
