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2 posters

    Further Webmail problem


    Male Posts : 50
    Reputation : 0
    Language : english

    Further Webmail problem Empty Further Webmail problem

    Post by Rab_C April 29th 2009, 12:40 am

    OUr web mail is playing up again our url is http://www.hmsintrepid.com

    all our email addresses would obviously end @hmsintrepid.com how ever
    after what seemed like the problem i had before was fixed we have few more problems.
    our interface has totaly changed and there is now sent mail folder also when i compse there are other identies in the identity list that are not mine they are


    I have no idea who these people are nor why they are in my idenity list.
    also all my contacts have gone. and although i select UK english for the webmail language i am geting some of it in french.

    PLease can we have this looked at.

    thank you.


    Male Posts : 50
    Reputation : 0
    Language : english

    Further Webmail problem Empty Re: Further Webmail problem

    Post by Rab_C April 29th 2009, 1:19 am

    Ok i have sorted most of this due to using the webmail interface which i had not had before. However 1 problem still remains my contacts in y address bok are still mising.

    Male Posts : 22186
    Reputation : 1839
    Language : test

    Further Webmail problem Empty Re: Further Webmail problem

    Post by MrMario April 29th 2009, 5:36 am

    We have an only topic here https://help.forumotion.com/connection-problems-f42/only-topic-i-cannot-find-the-forum-i-started-yesterday-t42570.htm

    Also double posting is not allowed on this forum.
