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    Adminstrator Acess to a Member

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    Adminstrator Acess to a Member Empty Adminstrator Acess to a Member

    Post by bharathreddy May 9th 2009, 7:31 am

    Hello Everyone..

    I'm pretty new in using the phpbb3 Admin Panel. I would like to give site admin access to user in my forum. I myself tried a lot to figure out where I can get this done which is of no use. So could anyone please let me know how/where to give Administrator Access to a User in phpbb3 Supported Forum.

    Thanks in Advance!!

    Bharath Reddy

    Male Posts : 22186
    Reputation : 1839
    Language : test

    Adminstrator Acess to a Member Empty Re: Adminstrator Acess to a Member

    Post by MrMario May 9th 2009, 7:40 am

    User Groups>>Look for add member>>Type user>>Save

    Then to add rank

    Admin panel>>User & groups>>search user>>Click on the user find rank at the bottom and click rank>>Save