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2 posters

    Forums Restricted by Account Age/Post Count


    Posts : 85
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    Language : HTML,XHTML,JAVA,CSS

    Forums Restricted by Account Age/Post Count Empty Forums Restricted by Account Age/Post Count

    Post by mmmham1 June 8th 2009, 2:47 am

    The title describes this. I think you should have the ability to disable certain sections of your forum from being accessed if the users account isn't old enough or they don't have enough post count.

    This should also be integrated with ranks. Simply: If a user tries to join a group and doesn't have the required post count or account age, they can't.


    •Johnny tries to visit the sub-forum, "15 posts and more". Johnny only has 11 posts, so Johnny receives the message, "You have to have at least 15 posts to view this forum." (it would be even better if we could add a custom error message to every individual forum when the user doesn't have enough posts to view the forum).

    •Johnny tries to visit the sub-forum, "15 days and more". Johnny only has been registered for 11 days, so Johnny receives the message, "You have to have been registered for at least 15 days to view this forum." (it would be even better if we could add a custom error message to every individual forum when the user hasn't been registered long enough to view the forum).

    •Johnny tries to join the group, "15 posts and more". Johnny only has 11 posts, so Johnny receives the message, "You have to have at least 15 posts to join this group." (it would be even better if we could add a custom error message to every individual group when the user doesn't have enough posts to join the group).

    •Johnny tries to join the group, "15 days and more". Johnny only has been registered for 11 days, so Johnny receives the message, "You have to have been registered for at least 15 days to join this group." (it would be even better if we could add a custom error message to every individual group when the user hasn't been registered long enough to join the group).

    I believe this is a very good idea, and wouldn't hurt anything to be an option. A lot of people would use this very well.

    Male Posts : 11853
    Reputation : 566
    Language : English

    Forums Restricted by Account Age/Post Count Empty Re: Forums Restricted by Account Age/Post Count

    Post by Darren1 June 8th 2009, 2:51 am