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    My forum does not meet Terms of Service

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    My forum does not meet Terms of Service Empty My forum does not meet Terms of Service

    Post by WebsterScape July 7th 2009, 2:26 pm

    I have been running this forum for 8 months and all of a sudden, i get this message saying i don't meet Terms of Service. Can someone please tell me how i don't. The message is bland and does not tell you exactly why and i want to know why so my forum is not deleted. The website is . Thank you.
    Master Marc
    Master Marc

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    My forum does not meet Terms of Service Empty Re: My forum does not meet Terms of Service

    Post by Master Marc July 7th 2009, 2:53 pm

    Hello WebsterScape,
    Guest aren't allowed to view your forums...

    Please allow guests to view your forum,so I can take a look, Very good

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    My forum does not meet Terms of Service Empty Re: My forum does not meet Terms of Service

    Post by Sanket July 7th 2009, 4:46 pm

    Your forum is not deleted, because generally they give you a time period to remove stuff which does not respect the TOS. Failing to remove them within the stipulated time period, will cause deletion of your forum.

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    My forum does not meet Terms of Service Empty Re: My forum does not meet Terms of Service

    Post by Ape July 7th 2009, 4:52 pm

    I think your find that you have broke the rules of the forum by adding downloads to your site this is one of the things we cant do on our forums please take a look at this part

    **Your welcome note says**
    Welcome to Websterscape

    You are currently
    viewing the forums as a guest, and in order to view the whole forum and
    site, you must register. You can register at the top.

    Once registered, the ads will go away, and you will have full compatibility to post and ask questions, read news and find out what's going on.

    You can also find quest help, skill guides, client troubles & download all on our front page when logged in.

    Please take a moment of your time to create an account and get known to the community.

    Enjoy your stay!

    The Administrators

    If you remove the Downloads off of your site and then you should be ok if not im sure there is some thing else that you have that is making you get this warnings

    Good luck on getting this sorted out ..

    Hope that has helped you out that little bit as we cant see your forum with out making an account ,.....


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    My forum does not meet Terms of Service Empty Re: My forum does not meet Terms of Service

    Post by kirk July 7th 2009, 7:30 pm

    It all depends what dl you have. just because you might be posting rar files from a file host dose not necessarily mean that you are breaking tos. it depends what content is being shared.. so go over and read all the tos fully and understand what can be in violation. then remove anything that might be.

    see your mods and other admins have to dl any files from a file host to know whats in the file. someone can say there family pic's(what ever?) but might be sharing porn or illegal software etc... so you have to moderate everything that is posted on your forum to be sure.

    the easy way to avoid this is to not allow any links from a file host. but it depends what your forum is about and what is being shared? so once again just mod everything and know what content is on your forum and remove anything that is in violation. then you should be fine.

    if you have a lot of post. then i suggest you close your forum until ever thing has been removed and checks out.

    but keep in mind everyone. that sharing content from a file host is not in violation.. it's a matter of if the content being shard is in violation. if it's not? Then there are no rules/tos saying you can not share files from a file host. rar zip what ever?
    I'm just saying this because i have seen people be like .there forum is sharing rar files there in violation.. no no no. only if the content of what is being shared brakes tos. then and only then will it be in violation Smile