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    what is the difference between phpbb2 and phpbb2 and all the other ones


    Male Posts : 73
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    what is the difference between phpbb2 and phpbb2 and all the other ones Empty what is the difference between phpbb2 and phpbb2 and all the other ones

    Post by groovybluedog Fri 10 Jul - 23:43


    What is the difference!

    Last edited by MrMario on Sun 12 Jul - 20:19; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Removed poll.)

    Posts : 88
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    what is the difference between phpbb2 and phpbb2 and all the other ones Empty Re: what is the difference between phpbb2 and phpbb2 and all the other ones

    Post by coolmickey_mv Fri 10 Jul - 23:50

    Different styles...

    Posts : 99
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    what is the difference between phpbb2 and phpbb2 and all the other ones Empty Re: what is the difference between phpbb2 and phpbb2 and all the other ones

    Post by †figure Sat 11 Jul - 1:19

    Different look and flexibility for editing.

    Male Posts : 11853
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    what is the difference between phpbb2 and phpbb2 and all the other ones Empty Re: what is the difference between phpbb2 and phpbb2 and all the other ones

    Post by Darren1 Sat 11 Jul - 2:27


    this is what has recently been said by Jalokim

    Jalokim wrote:here is a brief look at all the versions and my recommendations.

    phpbb2 :
    This is the first phpbb version on forumotion, it also has a very high
    popularity rate, but that is only because of its time on the internet.
    For me phpbb2 is very basic, it has a simple layout, little
    customisation capabilities. That is why forumotion added template
    editing to phpbb2. This paid service gives you the ability to add
    custom blocks and entirely change the view of your forum... you can add
    new items, but i still think the general style is not to fancy.

    it is the most stable, forum version.

    This is phpbb2's successor. it is a newer, faster, sleeker version of
    phpbb2. It offers a whole load more customisation , and looks very
    modern. It is web 2,0 based.
    It doesn't have template editing, but the CSS lets you customise your forum.

    This is stand alone forum version. It is very easy to use and elegant.
    If you are looking at a high class forum experience and ease this is
    the forum type. It looks different from the phpbb versions. The CSS
    allows for very flexible modifications of the forums looks.

    This is my favorite. it is one of the most modern systems. It has an
    advanced CSS and allows you to customize your forums looks without
    limitation. This is internet user based. Its for members that know how
    forums function and want to pull the most out of their forum experience.

    All the versions are very similar, they are all really stable and offer almost identical mods and services.
    my recommendation is IPB, especially if you into customization.
    punBB for ease of use
    phpbb3 for modern and sleek
    phpbb2 for a more ... eh ancient approach to foruming, may I remind you
    that phpbb2 is scheduled to be removed in a while (within 2 -3 years)

    Also, now you may edit your templates in PunBB, this has recently been done, after the above message from Jalokim was made.