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5 posters

    Warning point and warning cards


    Do u like this warning sys???

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    Total Votes: 1
    Poll closed

    Male Posts : 69
    Reputation : 0
    Language : Vietnamese, English
    Location : Ha Noi, Viet Nam

    Warning point and warning cards Empty Warning point and warning cards

    Post by seadolphin94 July 13th 2009, 5:35 pm

    I think we should have the warning point to rule our members. For example:
    The members will have 100/100 warning point. When the point reachs 75, that member wont be able to view some categories, when the point reachs to 50, that member will be banned for 2 weeks...
    Like that...
    And also, the warning card should be had. Admin will be able to modify the minus point for each type of cards, modify the sentence will be added to the post which had warning card and modify who can use and see card buttons. For example: admin lets the mods to use card buttons. the buttons will appear in the post of the users. when the mods see that the post have a bad content, he/she clicks on the yellow card button, then the warning point of the user will decrease 5 point and a sentence like "This post had a bad content, yellow card" was added to the post as an edit.

    What do u think???

    Male Posts : 2114
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    Location : Oregon, USA

    Warning point and warning cards Empty Re: Warning point and warning cards

    Post by Mehtevas July 14th 2009, 1:41 am

    I do not like this idea. Thumb down

    Male Posts : 22186
    Reputation : 1839
    Language : test

    Warning point and warning cards Empty Re: Warning point and warning cards

    Post by MrMario July 14th 2009, 1:44 am

    You can already do this but it will require someone to do it.

    Male Posts : 69
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    Language : Vietnamese, English
    Location : Ha Noi, Viet Nam

    Warning point and warning cards Empty Re: Warning point and warning cards

    Post by seadolphin94 July 14th 2009, 5:49 am

    how could i do??

    Male Posts : 11853
    Reputation : 566
    Language : English

    Warning point and warning cards Empty Re: Warning point and warning cards

    Post by Darren1 July 14th 2009, 6:22 am

    KiiD CuDii
    KiiD CuDii
    Active Poster

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    Warning point and warning cards Empty Re: Warning point and warning cards

    Post by KiiD CuDii July 14th 2009, 6:24 am

    That's why they say to use the search button Wink

    Male Posts : 11853
    Reputation : 566
    Language : English

    Warning point and warning cards Empty Re: Warning point and warning cards

    Post by Darren1 July 14th 2009, 6:31 am

    KiiD CuDii wrote:That's why they say to use the search button Wink

    And to regularly check the F.A.Q. listing

    Male Posts : 69
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    Language : Vietnamese, English
    Location : Ha Noi, Viet Nam

    Warning point and warning cards Empty Re: Warning point and warning cards

    Post by seadolphin94 July 14th 2009, 6:35 am

    thanks darren
    but it wil take time to modify and write the sentence into the user post
    as i said from the begin, mods and admin just need to click on the cards button and maybe the cards will be showed in that user profile Smile

    Male Posts : 11853
    Reputation : 566
    Language : English

    Warning point and warning cards Empty Re: Warning point and warning cards

    Post by Darren1 July 14th 2009, 6:47 am

    Click a button; that's how u update the warning system.
    It takes about a total of 2 minutes (if not less) to completely make the whole thing, and then only a few secs to update it in the users profile.

    Is it not the same thing?

    Male Posts : 69
    Reputation : 0
    Language : Vietnamese, English
    Location : Ha Noi, Viet Nam

    Warning point and warning cards Empty Re: Warning point and warning cards

    Post by seadolphin94 July 14th 2009, 7:30 am

    i have tried this before
    but when u want to modify. u have to click on that user, modify the value and send the user the message that why they have this minus

    it will be easier when u click to the card button and everything will be ok

    Male Posts : 22186
    Reputation : 1839
    Language : test

    Warning point and warning cards Empty Re: Warning point and warning cards

    Post by MrMario July 14th 2009, 7:37 am

    Darren is right it only takes about 5 secs tops to change the warning bar and about 2-5 mins to make them.

    For that I will lock this topic. If you wish to get help with the warning system please post it in the support section.