Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address Hitskin_logo

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    Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address

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    Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address Empty Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address

    Post by wrapitup July 15th 2009, 6:57 am

    I am the administrator of a forum and another forumotion board is posting one of my members Private Messages, bashing and defaming me (I am the administrator & founder of my board -they even have a "Bashing Board" where you must be a member to see it - I am not a member but I have someone who is and they are pasting and copying what is being said about me), and they are also posting my email address.

    Three of my members, myself and my other admin have formally posted "abuse" in the proper section reference this other board and to date, have not heard a word from forumotion.

    I have searched The Rules of Forumation and have not found any topic that addresses these issues.

    I am hesitant to give out the name of my board or the other board as I do NOT want the other board to see me posting here.

    Can you please address this and/or email me with the answer if this is allowed and legal for the other board to continue bashing me, posting PM's from one of my members and placing it on their board (my member is NOT a member there) and if it is legal for them to list my email address.

    This is extremely distressing to not only me, but the other member whose PM's are being listed on their board. Also, it does not fair well to have this dissention going on.

    Thank you.

    Male Posts : 11853
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    Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address Empty Re: Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address

    Post by Darren1 July 15th 2009, 7:09 am


    I am sorry to hear & see that such ignorance is going on here on forumotion.

    The only way (at the present moment) that you can take action directly to the staff of forumotion (as in the workers) is to PM any member of staff, and they will be able to relay information to our lesion with the company, and they will deal with it further.
    However, it may take several days for our lesion to receive such information as I believe their activity here on this board is a little lower than usually.

    This quote is directly from our Terms of Service

    ToS wrote:Illicit contents
    Forums that does welcome or promote warez, piracy, hacking, cracking, spamming, attacks against networks or servers, pornography, racial hatred, crimes against humanity, inappropriate activities on the servers, or any other actions which violate any applicable laws, aren't allowed. Any forum which contains texts, links, pictures, animations, videos or any other content recognized as illegal will be deleted without notice or warning. reserves the right to delete any accounts or forums considered like not conform to the rules quoted here or specified in or in the international website rules according to the international internet law. Any illegal content or act can or would be reported to the concerned services and prosecuted.

    Limitations of the services
    The products and services can be used only in the precise way for which such products and services have been made for. You cannot use the products and services, or associate them to any content or activity which might be harmful to the any individual person's private rights :

    * Contents which are illegal, harmful, threatening, improper, slanderous, vulgar, obscene or ethically reprehensible
    * Content which disclose personal datum that could identifies children under age of 18 or which exploit the images.

    I hope that this assists in easing your mind,

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    Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address Empty Re: Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address

    Post by MrMario July 15th 2009, 7:20 am

    Darren is right the only way is to PM anyone of the staff members with pictures, post etc.... to help the issue. We will forward it to the Pro Staff that work at Forumotion so that they can handle it. The only problem is that some of the Pro Staff is on holitday and will return July 16th.

    Male Posts : 11037
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    Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address Empty Re: Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address

    Post by kirk July 15th 2009, 7:24 am

    you don't report the forum using the (Report an abuse) tab in the footer.
    that only goes to the forums administrators of that forum.

    you have to report the forum to litigation

    My question is how are the getting the members Pm's?
    The members must be posting copies of the Pm's they are sending or reciving?

    Now as far as what someone might be saying about you or your forum on other forums.Who cars. let them talk all the crap they want. as long as it's not being said or posted on your forum why should you even care?

    I mean you have enough responsibilities and things to do on your forum.So worrying about some immature b/s thats going on another forum should be your last concern.

    now as far as your email being posted. then change your setting. take it out of your profile and change you contact form to receive in a pm. you should never publicly share your email if you don't want it to be shared.
    change your email to a fake one if you want? i never have my contact information as my email. thats just silly. so change that up and even lead people to believe that's why you changed it. then they can share all they want. it's fake the jokes on them.. lol

    and like i said. don't beat yourself up over what other forums might be saying about you,your forum or your members. As an administrator you will come across so much crap and garbage.It's all part of the game.You'll learn to just ignore it and not even care. You take care of your forum and all other nonsense outside of your forum is irrelevant.Say ya OK buddy ,bite me. and move on.... lol

    actaully just ignor them clowns and move on.. rock
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    Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address Empty Re: Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address

    Post by wrapitup July 15th 2009, 8:02 am

    The founder of the other board WAS AN ADMIN ON MY BOARD. (Sad but true). I run a crime board that is mostly.

    She, w/out my knowledge, had already started another site but was still an admin on my board. Once I banned her, I took down/deleted all her "speculation data," including the email she sent to the attorney.


    Personally, I am not concerned for the things she is saying about me; however, she is calling me horrific names & is accusing me of all sorts of inane and completely untrue things. She has enlisted several of my members to her board and is bashing me to some of my members. Most are not buying into it, but some are.

    Due to the above, it has caused me many, many hours of undue time, attention and direction away from my board as many members are confused as to exactly what is going on.

    I have taken the high road and have not bashed her on my board in any way. However, her "private members only bashing board" (yes...that is what it is called - "The Bashing Room" - you Literally have to be a logged in member to see it) - is having a field day bashing me, the other member who sent her the PM's and my email's and email addy are listed in her "Bashing Room."

    I hope this makes sense. I now have a new administrator and we did go into the litigation area. It asks for a screen shot. There are so many areas where we could take a screen shot that I am not sure which screen shot to take. Is there any way of copying and pasting exactly WHAT is being said, along w/the PM's that she posted from my member to her board - also my emails to another member that is banned on my board that is now at her board posting not only my emails to her, but my email address??

    I realize this is confusing. Is there any way I can speak directly via phone to a Forumation admin/mod???

    Thanks in advance!!

    Edit: kirk
    Some content removed due to Disturbing situations and descriptions.
    The content has been passed on to administrators to gain a better understating on the matter.
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    Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address Empty Re: Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address

    Post by wrapitup July 15th 2009, 8:57 am

    I am not the one with "The Bashing Room", that is the admin that I banned. I have nothing on my board that would ever remotely be construed as "Bashing." I think you may have gotten confused on that part.

    I understand what you are saying..I was not sure if posting other's PM's from one board to another and/or posting someone's email address w/out their permission is against Forumotion rules.

    Thanks for answering my questions!!!!

    Male Posts : 11037
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    Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address Empty Re: Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address

    Post by kirk July 15th 2009, 9:15 am

    wrapitup wrote:I am not the one with "The Bashing Room", that is the admin that I banned. I have nothing on my board that would ever remotely be construed as "Bashing." I think you may have gotten confused on that part.

    I understand what you are saying..I was not sure if posting other's PM's from one board to another and/or posting some one's email address w/out their permission is against Forumotion rules.

    Thanks for answering my questions!!!!

    Oh sorry i did get a Lil confused on that.
    Well i can pass this on to the global mods and admins here for then to have a look at.
    I mean i do not really have the answers for issues and matters such as what you have stated and pointed out.i am more for support for things that have to do with forum problems such as how to fix things and i have no influence on any decisions that would be made on issues like this.

    so I'll pass the thread along to them and see what they think a bout the matter on hand.

    and sorry about the confusion once again.

    Last edited by kirk on July 15th 2009, 9:39 am; edited 1 time in total
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    Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address Empty Re: Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address

    Post by wrapitup July 15th 2009, 9:19 am

    No problemo...I would very much appreciate if you could pass this on.


    You have my email addy, so I would hope they will email me as opposed to discussing it here.

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    Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address Empty Re: Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address

    Post by wednesday July 15th 2009, 11:46 am

    I am unfortunately having the same problem with ex-staff members...
    They have there own forum now and are constantly "bashing" myself and my forum with crude and disgusting comments.

    The best solution is to have nothing to do with them...dont read it..tell your members you dont wish to know what they are discussing.

    Great minds discuss ideas...average minds discuss events,....small minds discuss people.
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    Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address Empty Re: Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address

    Post by wrapitup July 15th 2009, 5:20 pm

    This is great advice, wednesday. I am simply shocked that an ex-staff member would stoop to this level.

    Thanks for your response and I hope that Kirk passes this on to the global admin's. Her board has only been up since July 3 and many of my members are appalled at her actions.

    Edit: kirk
    Some content removed due to Disturbing situations and descriptions.
    The content has been passed on to administrators to gain a better understating on the matter.

    Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address Empty Re: Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address

    Post by Guest111 July 16th 2009, 1:28 am

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    Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address Empty Re: Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address

    Post by HollyHawk July 16th 2009, 3:31 am

    WrapItUp -

    I just went through a similar situation and completely sympathize with you. It's time for those in power to become intolerant of this type of cyberbullying before these idiots take over the entire Internet. It's easy for someone to tell you not to worry about it because it isn't happening to them.

    Hang in there.

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    Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address Empty Re: Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address

    Post by wrapitup July 17th 2009, 1:20 am

    I have yet to hear from the Forumotion folks. And, I thank you for your empathy and encouragement!!

    My board is going forward and trying to get past all the slander. I do have come members that are members of both boards, which is their right. However, if all of the sudden they are not posting on my board and posting slander of me and my site on the other board, I have major problems with that. We shall see.

    Thank you again!!

    Male Posts : 11037
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    Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address Empty Re: Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address

    Post by kirk July 17th 2009, 11:01 am

    wrapitup wrote:I have yet to hear from the Forumotion folks. And, I thank you for your empathy and encouragement!!

    My board is going forward and trying to get past all the slander. I do have come members that are members of both boards, which is their right. However, if all of the sudden they are not posting on my board and posting slander of me and my site on the other board, I have major problems with that. We shall see.

    Thank you again!!

    OK i have bumped this up in the office and have spoken to luky on the situation.
    An administrator will have to take a look and further investigate this.Please try to be patient they will get to it asap.They are very bust so it might take a few days.
    If you can pm me the link to the other forum where the bashing is taking place that will be a big help as well.Also have you reported the forum to litigations?

    Now i and staff also feel that this is a Lil disturbing.I understand that your forum and it's content should not be overlooked and can be very important for awareness and way's to prevent and or bring any justice to criminals/vermin scum who commit crimes against children,murders,missing children etc....

    How ever i also feel that the descriptions of your forum and what it's about is not needed for pertaining to your problem.Like i said it is rather disturbing and is better not to discuss on the support forum.
    Not that anything bad was said. i just don't want the thread to end up going in the wrong direction with thoughts,opinions etc...

    so i will edit out all of the descriptions that are not needed for your problem so that others may not find it disturbing as well. I will copy all of what you described and place in my post in the office for the administrators to see to give them a better understanding on pertaining to your problem.
    (it did help shed some light on the matter)

    Also as a former P.I. Do you know anyone from
    law enforcement that you can report this person to? If they are on 10 years probation for cyber stalking then it's most likely they are not even supposed to be online.And if they are threating you in harmful ways then it seems that charges can be brought up on this person.You can also contact your service provider and ask them on ways of how to report this person.

    So once again just try to be patient and the administrators will look into the situation.
    and if you have the link to this persons forum. please send it to me in my pm so that i can pass that along too.

    Thank you.
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    Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address Empty Re: Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address

    Post by wrapitup July 18th 2009, 8:41 pm

    Kirk, detailed PM sent to you!!!

    I so appreciate all your help!!
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    Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address Empty Re: Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address

    Post by wrapitup July 18th 2009, 9:02 pm

    I also have two more questions which I hope you can answer:
    1) Why is it that sometimes, the little "red" icon showing unread posts disappears?? Therefore, even though there are un-read posts, it appears as if they have been previously read??

    2) Is there a way to make it so that any new member has to be approved by Admins before they can access the board?? I tried doing this but they are still getting approved without my knowledge.

    Master Marc
    Master Marc

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    Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address Empty Re: Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address

    Post by Master Marc July 18th 2009, 9:09 pm

    Your first question's answer:

    When you leave your forum {log out or close the window},the hot topic icons will be gone.

    Your second question's answer:

    ACP=>Users & Groups Tab=>Users=>Users options=>New accounts activation=>Admin=>Save
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    Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address Empty Re: Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address

    Post by wrapitup July 20th 2009, 5:24 am

    Master Marc wrote:Your first question's answer:

    When you leave your forum {log out or close the window},the hot topic icons will be gone.

    Your second question's answer:

    ACP=>Users & Groups Tab=>Users=>Users options=>New accounts activation=>Admin=>Save

    What I am trying to say is that sometimes, there are now posts but the red icon does not appear as new and sometimes it does, and I wondered why.

    And, on the new users, I have my forum set up that way & get an email if a new member wants to join, but as soon as I click on the link in the new member email, it automatically registers them. Is there no way where the admin can have the option to approve them or not??

    Male Posts : 11037
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    Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address Empty Re: Another forumotion board is posting our PM's, bashing me, the admin and posting my email address

    Post by kirk July 25th 2009, 4:32 am

    Now i have recived a pm from an adminastrotor from the forum realitychatter It appears they want to get there side of the story told and felt that posting it here would be inappropriate. I am happy they have made that decision and resectfully thank them.Flaming,arguing,bashing would not be tolerated.

    This is exactly why support forum staff do not get involved with any disputes of other forums admins/members over any differences or complaints they may have about another forum or persons actions.

    The final word is that any person or forum that may be in violation must be reported to litigation's and is for litigation's to decide on what actions to take if any.Forumotion Support forums Staff have no influence or control over any decisions made by forumotins litigation's team and or onlineguardian. This is not the job of support staff. We are here for tech support in regards to any problems one may be having or encountering with there forum.I will pass the other persons PM from realitychatter along to an administrator to take a look at. But once again forumotion support staff (other then administration) have no influence or control over any decisions or actions to be taken of any persons or forums that may be in violation of TOS.

    Thank you

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