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    Drop-down menu fails to display in Mozilla Firefox

    mr dmc
    New Member

    Posts : 11
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    Language : English

    Drop-down menu fails to display in Mozilla Firefox Empty Drop-down menu fails to display in Mozilla Firefox

    Post by mr dmc July 20th 2009, 10:09 am

    I've obtained a site which uses drop-down menu as one of its styles. Immediately below the menu is a flash file. The problem here is, when using Firefox to display the page, the menu becomes completely obscured when moving the mouse over it. It seems like its being blocked by the flash file. However, opening the page with IE produces a more favourable result, where the drop-down menus can be shown. Upon mouse over, the submenus will block the flash. This is the desired result. However, I would like to have the same result when browsing using Firefox.

    Anyone here had come across this problem before? I would greatly appreciate it if anyone can advice me on how to get this fixed. Thanks!
    mr dmc
    New Member

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    Drop-down menu fails to display in Mozilla Firefox Empty Re: Drop-down menu fails to display in Mozilla Firefox

    Post by mr dmc July 20th 2009, 11:19 am

    I forgot to mention that I merely want the flash file to appear under the submenus. The menus themselves are above the flash file, but the submenus that appear will cover the flash file. Maybe it has something to do with layers but I'm still unsure about how to change it.

    Drop-down menu fails to display in Mozilla Firefox Empty Re: Drop-down menu fails to display in Mozilla Firefox

    Post by Guest July 20th 2009, 5:46 pm

    It's pretty safe to say that the way the menu is displayed in Firefox is the way it is SUPPOSED to be displayed. It's also pretty safe to say that the way the menu is displayed in Firefox is the way it will be displayed in other browsers (Google Chrome, Safari, Opera, etc) as well. Firefox is standards-compliant. Internet Explorer is not.

    My suggestion is that you check your site with a couple other browsers. If, as I suspect, they also have display problems, you will need to change your code.
    mr dmc
    New Member

    Posts : 11
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    Language : English

    Drop-down menu fails to display in Mozilla Firefox Empty Re: Drop-down menu fails to display in Mozilla Firefox

    Post by mr dmc July 21st 2009, 8:06 am

    I've checked the coding, and now it seems I'm having problem with the menu bar itself. In Firefox, only half the height of the bar will be displayed, while it'll be displayed in full in IE. When I change the height, it will enlarge accordingly, making it look bad in IE. On the other hand, the submenus which are shown are cramped up as well. I wonder why there are many differences in the two browsers...

    about the flash thingy, I've solved it by using 'wmode', with value 'transparent'

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