[Only-Topic] End of Week Update Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update


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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by Caihlem July 28th 2009, 04:35

    Hello all members Very Happy

    I'm posting this little topic to inform everyone of a brilliant update that will, I'm sure, revolutionise the forum loove

    To make a short story long, I'll be leaving the staff after some 3 years of service by the end of this week, most probably Thursday 30/07/09 Smile

    For old time's sake;
    Tristou wrote:16/07/06
    Two members join the Forumotion team : Metal Knight and Dojeta Wink

    That was me tongue

    As you can see, I've been around here for a long long time. I've seen many members come and go. I've seen this forum and ForuMotion grow from a small project to one of the leading companies in free forums Smile
    It's been great being here too. I've learnt alot on managing skills and on a personal level. It was interesting to build up projects and keep the team going and working. In my time spent, I've taken on many caps. Starting with the Moderator (mix of Gmod & Smod) helping members in the one support category to working behind the scenes as an Admin. This ofcourse passing by the stage where I was the number 1 advisor to the current Admin Razz
    All this hasn't come without a cost though. I cannot stress on how much time and personal effort I have put into this forum. Yet I've seen, and still do, members who disrespect my work here. Members who think they are God's gift to mankind. Members who make you believe they're your friends only to deceive you behind the scenes. Indeed, all was not fun.

    I'll admit to my fair share of mistakes to. Some bad decisions, some situations I could/should have handled better. But all in all, I must admit that I think I did a pretty damned good job here.

    Anyway, it has come to a point where I feel the need to move on; try on something new for a change. I've personally harassed several staff members to explore the horizons with their knowledge or skills, I think it's time I did the same. I'm not leaving in the sense that I'm abandonning ship. I'm leaving in the sense that my job here is done.
    I'll surely be back to visit time to time. Yell on staff, complain to the techies, and side up with the members for a change tongue

    Rest assured that I've been working on it so as that my replacement will be done as smoothly as possible. Needless to say, the one replacing me will not be reveal for reasons of Top National Security ofcourse.

    I'd like to thank all of you members for having made the journey with me and for having made it worth while Smile
    My best regards to ForuMotion, and may the "grand adventure" never cease.


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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by ؟Σffícíαl July 28th 2009, 05:06

    Noo why leaving
    You were a great admin when i first registered as Anime
    Now you leaving..leaving me without a rank lol jp
    Now who's going to be the active Admin ?

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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by -GFX- July 28th 2009, 05:28

    Whey !!

    Before you go pleases Fix my Warning bar
    and Stay pleases

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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by KingOfSports July 28th 2009, 05:44


    Never got to talk w/ any of the admins but I always loved your username.

    Good luck with life and all.

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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by Mehtevas July 28th 2009, 06:31

    Hey, Caihlem, You wont be forgotten here, dont forget that, no one can take your place. You will always be Welcome here. You did Forumotion a great duty by being an Admin here, you will forever be missed. Sad

    Thanks for everything,

    Male Posts : 11853
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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by Darren1 July 28th 2009, 06:43

    Well Caihlem, aka Michael

    It seems that Thursay is to be the final end of the 'best of FM' era - Your departure.

    Your a great man, with a successful SF career (can it be a career)

    With a good precedisor (I am sure my gues is right Wink )
    hehe, yes I'm sure Twisted Evil

    Sorry, but I have to pick ur message apart Razz

    and side up with the members for a change tongue

    For once, pelase?
    I never think u will actually wine like kilsek hahahahaha
    lolz, but yea it would be nice to ahve u complaining like a member with the whole "staff" attached to ur name (not saying u wont be able to complain by using ur general staff room - the one for all staff, including previous ones.)

    Thanks for being the #1 admin I know (thats damn serious!), and along with the mysterious adventure between today, and first contact has always been fun ( *nods* )
    Also, thanks for being the only member (current at time of typing) that has warned me, and yes - Ineed removing that warning as the rule STILL in play today loove

    Thanks for everything - Including all the fun from the Schoolboys & School girls Very Happy


    This best not be the last time we see this ))

    Thanks for everything, just read my PM please Razz


    For ol' times sake, im calling up Kilsek, for some fun between u, nessa, and Katt Mr. Green Twisted Evil

    Last edited by darren1 on July 28th 2009, 06:47; edited 1 time in total

    Male Posts : 6823
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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by Rok July 28th 2009, 06:43

    Everything has to come to an end, and it sucks. Caihlem, you are awesome (even though you are mr. big bossman), but I love you dude! [Only-Topic] End of Week Update 465912
    ...and there is only one thing I will remember you mostly by, and that's this smiley:

    I really want you to stay here, but things always change and there's no holding you back. Thanks for services well done, Caihlem!
    Master Marc
    Master Marc

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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by Master Marc July 28th 2009, 06:53

    As said before,you've done a great job here. Keeping the spammers away and protecting the forum. Bossing around your staff,making sure they don't get rusty. That's why the great members of this forum respects you.

    You'll be missed much for being the forum's administrator, beu

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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by lilypad July 28th 2009, 09:50

    Thanks for the update, please do take care, you were greatly appreciated!

    Doctor Inferno
    Doctor Inferno
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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by Doctor Inferno July 28th 2009, 11:30

    So who's gonna be the next admin?
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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by Tilum July 28th 2009, 13:49

    I've said it on MSN enough but you were a great administrator, despite some bad decisions (Sca [That will be enough to see what i'm talking about]) But, hey, like Darren said, it was fun while it lasted, this will make the 4? time you've quit, but unfortunately i know this will be your last. And one more time.
    "Don't tell on me" :p. I know I'll still speak to you on MSN and at least this time we will still be on the same team. I wish you the best in your new adventure whatever that may be. I'm looking forward to the last time you remove your crown and put it on ______'s head. I will then ask you to join the chatbox and annoy you, but there will be nothing you can do because you will have also laid down your valued @. Have a free bottle (Yes, bottle not something else beginning with b) of milk.

    EDIT: It's not the end of a week update, it's an end of an era update.

    All the best,
    ~ Tilum
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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by Blofeld July 28th 2009, 14:04

    Caihlem WHAT! Please stay why?You don't need to leave Sad Sad
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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by Tilum July 28th 2009, 14:35

    Mr.Stamper wrote:Caihlem WHAT! Please stay why?You don't need to leave Sad Sad

    Caihlem has been working on ESF for 3 years. I hate to say it but it's time for him to go. His has more important things to do in his life now and he wants change. Haha I'm Caihlem's assistant.

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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by dotDavid July 28th 2009, 14:42

    Like to see you side up with members. Should see your true colors come out. Smile Best of luck in what you are doing and will do.

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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by Caihlem July 28th 2009, 14:44

    Yeah, I've left "for real" once before, and I skimmed out quickly nad back in once shortly after that [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Sweat
    But I can assure you this time is the final end

    It's not that I can't stay, it's that I feel the need to move on and try something else somewhere new Wink
    As said, I'll still pop in time to time Smile

    Darren1: Please don't call in Kilsek [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Sweat
    He's part of the pain attached to this forum TT

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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by disdreamer July 28th 2009, 15:10

    Really hate to see you go, but I truely know that feeling of "Time to move on".
    Good Luck which what ever you choose to do.

    Maybe you can help fix my forum which I can't get on. I click the wrong thingand Poof, can't get on it any more.

    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by Guest July 28th 2009, 15:13

    This genuinally is a real shame.. and it's such a massive blow to this forum. Your presense will be so very missed Caihlem and I know that for sure.. I think we're all really proud of what you've done over all these years.
    You are the biggest FM legend this forum has ever seen.. I'm just sad to see you go.

    Good luck for everything you do Caihlem.. Crying or Very sad

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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by MrMega July 28th 2009, 15:25

    Caihlem 3 years is a long time...but everything has its ups and downs. At least you'll still be here Smile

    Last edited by Dralimarx on July 28th 2009, 16:30; edited 1 time in total

    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by Guest July 28th 2009, 15:26

    Dralimarx wrote:So who's going to be the boss now?

    Oh shut up bwi That's such a tactless thing to say in this topic!

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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by Trilinx July 28th 2009, 17:38

    Though i never got to speak with you, you still were one of the best staff on the SF. Youll be very missed man. I wish you luck with your life off staff, and irl Wink

    See ya around Caihlem.

    Male Posts : 669
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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by Rehua July 28th 2009, 17:41

    :o. Good bye, Caihlem.
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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by Walshy95 July 28th 2009, 18:24

    It's sad to see you go Sad All things come to an end I guess, though.

    Good luck with your life, and you will always be welcome here whenever you come on.

    No disrespect to the other Admins, but you was one of the best Admins I have ever seen Sad

    Good luck!

    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by Guest July 28th 2009, 20:04

    Believe it or not bad, you Will indeed be missed here!

    Kilsek salut

    darren1 wrote:

    For ol' times sake, im calling up Kilsek, for some fun between u, nessa, and Katt Mr. Green Twisted Evil

    Damn right who the hell gave you permission to leave? Not I now march your but *forgot how to say in french* back here and control these hooligans.

    *now to go out in a blaze of Glory (Typlo will delete this account too) in true Kilsek fashion)*

    Granted I went out raw and disrespected folks that I did not mean to and I still am sorry and will carry it to my death bed.

    We have share some talks either pm or MSN and I know the crap you went through. So leaving on that account makes you look soft Mr. Jello man! I am sure you will be here and have access to the secret forums that normal members cannot see. And raze hell as only you can.

    Give them hell!

    I know the new people here dont give a crap, but the vets do! Sure you went overboard a time or two (hundred) but that is what happens to a admin. As a vet of this site I know I will miss the moving and shaking you did as admin.

    So you idea of leaving is not granted, I the "thorn" do not grant it!

    Get back to work you lazy SOB (meant friendly)!!! bounce
    Lady Vala
    Lady Vala

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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by Lady Vala July 29th 2009, 03:37

    Bye Caihlem. You were a freaking awesome Admin. :wouhou:

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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by Mehtevas July 29th 2009, 05:41

    Just wanted to add, i like your way of dealing with Spammers Razz

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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by Trevor July 29th 2009, 07:22

    *Goes and cries*

    You know it was my dream to be a mod and to see me on the staff list. Also it saying "Trevor has joined _______" from you. I still have some of our good chats in my PM box. But I guess am mans got to do what a mans got to do.

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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by Bpoetic July 29th 2009, 07:59

    Good Luck Caihlem! Thanks for the help you've given me in the past . . .

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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by ~Chris July 29th 2009, 09:31


    Goodbye and good luck Caihlem, all the best for your future..

    And, while i'm thinking of it, why does Tilum have the 'Milk Man' Rank? *Confused*

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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by Skittles July 30th 2009, 17:50

    As I have said to you already in our MSN discussion about this, I am proud of you for seeing what's best for you and knowing when a change is needed in your life.

    There are many roads and paths that we take in our life, some that we never thought we would take, but as we age and mature our likes/dislikes will change, sometimes even dramatically. It takes courage and maturity to know when you must follow that path of the unknown and create new adventures in your life.

    I have been and always will be very proud of you Caihlem. As I stated before, you have been one of the best Admins I have ever worked with!

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    [Only-Topic] End of Week Update Empty Re: [Only-Topic] End of Week Update

    Post by MrMario July 30th 2009, 23:40

    This is going to be one hell of a ride for us when you leave. I could never see this day come till now. I did wish today didn't come but it did Sad You were always there for everyone and would always have a few laugh/funny post. I will always remember that I would always see what you posted each day cause you were always giving me a happy monment. I do wish you would stay a little longer but your time has come to end and to move on. Like Skittles said about picking a path to go.

    Best of luck of what ever you do. Hit me a message when you want to chat Smile

    Thanks Caihlem