Kingdom hearts Skin Reqeust Hitskin_logo

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2 posters

    Kingdom hearts Skin Reqeust

    New Member

    Posts : 5
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    Language : Netherlands

    Kingdom hearts Skin Reqeust Empty Kingdom hearts Skin Reqeust

    Post by Joord August 5th 2009, 1:44 pm

    Hey Guys . I kinda really suck at making skins and stuff so i was wondering if anyone of you would like to make one for me . I would Really appreciate it.

    Male Posts : 2114
    Reputation : 14
    Language : Currently, I am receiving support requests by P.M. Support requests, which can, and should, be done in the support section.
    Location : Oregon, USA

    Kingdom hearts Skin Reqeust Empty Re: Kingdom hearts Skin Reqeust

    Post by Mehtevas August 5th 2009, 4:56 pm

    If you request graphics please post in the graphics section. Cool

    Also, The SF doesn't do skin requests Kingdom hearts Skin Reqeust Redface