New posts, no new posts, locked forum etc (Full set needed) Plus Gallery Button Hitskin_logo

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    New posts, no new posts, locked forum etc (Full set needed) Plus Gallery Button


    Female Posts : 108
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English

    New posts, no new posts, locked forum etc (Full set needed) Plus Gallery Button Empty New posts, no new posts, locked forum etc (Full set needed) Plus Gallery Button

    Post by eferhilda 8th August 2009, 16:13

    Nature of the creation : I need a full set of Forum Icons and a button for my gallery
    Creation size (in pixels) : Unsure
    With or without animation : With if possible
    Background color : White with the paw being blue.
    Picture(s) link(s) : something like this or anything else someone may have
    Text to insert :
    Link to the font to download :
    Font color :
    Link of my forumotion forum : Creative Freedom
    Extra comments : I recently changed the skin on my forum to accommodate the fact that one of my members were color blind and could not see the red and black theme. I have some icons up now that are paws but they are a bit pixel and I am looking for something more gloss perhaps to match the look of the navigation bar. If they could match how the current paws are animated a bit and even the coloring for the new topic to be orange is fine, same size as well.

    I am also looking for a Gallery button to match my other buttons which look like this. New posts, no new posts, locked forum etc (Full set needed) Plus Gallery Button I_icon_mini_index

    Any help to this would be greatly appreciated.