Adding my affiliated sites to my forum Hitskin_logo

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    Adding my affiliated sites to my forum

    New Member

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    Adding my affiliated sites to my forum Empty Adding my affiliated sites to my forum

    Post by ENDO August 24th 2009, 10:18 pm

    How do I go about adding my affiliate’s logo's/links to my forum? It's a big missing puzzle piece to my forum, and would like to figure this out ASAP. I try my best to figure this stuff out before I post on this forum, but found nothing. Any help would be great
    LH Justin
    LH Justin

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    Adding my affiliated sites to my forum Empty Re: Adding my affiliated sites to my forum

    Post by LH Justin August 25th 2009, 1:23 am

    Where would you like to put them?

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    Adding my affiliated sites to my forum Empty Re: Adding my affiliated sites to my forum

    Post by MrMega August 25th 2009, 2:08 am

    The most used place is the homepage message...

    ACP>Display>Homepage>Generalities>Homepage message

    Only type in the message content, ignore the message title.