The Godfather on MSN? Hitskin_logo

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    The Godfather on MSN?


    Solved The Godfather on MSN?

    Post by Guest August 28th 2009, 11:36 am

    So I'd been away from the 24th-27th and my co-administrator told me she was contacted on MSN with the email address asking for her password and mine. Apparently by getting our details, he could move us to a safer server away from hackings. I must say that it said (email address not verified) so I'm just unsure.

    Male Posts : 2404
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    Solved Re: The Godfather on MSN?

    Post by dotDavid August 28th 2009, 11:44 am

    Yeah, never give out passwords and email addresses to unknown people, especially on MSN. Contact Typlo via PM and see if he was the "unknown" user.

    Solved Re: The Godfather on MSN?

    Post by Guest August 28th 2009, 11:51 am

    Well she did give her password. Luckily she changed it quickly upon my command.
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    Solved Re: The Godfather on MSN?

    Post by DTC August 28th 2009, 11:07 pm

    Email address not verified means the email service must be down. If you're forums getting hacked then I assume they'd try to move it to a securer server. I doubt it's anybody trying to phish for your login details as emails like that can only be used by the owner of the domain.

    I wouldn't worry too much.

    Solved Re: The Godfather on MSN?

    Post by Guest August 29th 2009, 11:29 am

    Well I need a little more confirmation..

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    Solved Re: The Godfather on MSN?

    Post by Sanket August 29th 2009, 11:36 am

    As correctly said, you should not give email addresses or any information via emails or msn to anyone. If you have any queries, always PM typlo.
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    Solved Re: The Godfather on MSN?

    Post by DTC August 29th 2009, 2:43 pm

    Typlo? Lmao, he ignores over half his PMs.

    Male Posts : 2404
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    Solved Re: The Godfather on MSN?

    Post by dotDavid August 29th 2009, 2:47 pm

    And you claim to be "oliver's" friend... How can we trust you and trust what you say?
    Eman and Kou
    Eman and Kou

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    Solved Re: The Godfather on MSN?

    Post by Eman and Kou August 29th 2009, 2:55 pm

    Naturally i don't think forumotion admins would contact you through your forum. I believe they would either send an email to the account that you made the site with or simply move the server. I've never heard in the 5 years on being on forumotion an admin contacting a webmaster of a forum about changing servers.

    Solved Re: The Godfather on MSN?

    Post by Guest August 29th 2009, 2:59 pm

    According to this person on Msn, the email system is broken at the moment.. hmmm =/
    Eman and Kou
    Eman and Kou

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    Solved Re: The Godfather on MSN?

    Post by Eman and Kou August 29th 2009, 3:14 pm

    Then yea that is obviously a fraud since i just sent an email out to all of my members about the forum updates and it was sent out perfectly. So if this member is on your forum i suggest IP banning and deleting the account.

    Solved Re: The Godfather on MSN?

    Post by Guest August 29th 2009, 5:18 pm

    Eman and Kou wrote:Then yea that is obviously a fraud since i just sent an email out to all of my members about the forum updates and it was sent out perfectly. So if this member is on your forum i suggest IP banning and deleting the account.

    No.. I was contacted on Msn about this.. I'm just not sure what to do.
    Eman and Kou
    Eman and Kou

    Male Posts : 367
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    Language : English

    Solved Re: The Godfather on MSN?

    Post by Eman and Kou August 29th 2009, 5:26 pm

    Well forumotion staff aren't supposed to contact you through any Instant Messaging program either i believe so yea. Its up to you if you want to give him your info but i suggest that you shouldn't since forumotion admins dont need your password. i'm pretty sure they can change it from the main server.

    Male Posts : 22186
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    Solved Re: The Godfather on MSN?

    Post by MrMario August 29th 2009, 9:41 pm

    It is not Forumotion I can tell you that. If Forumotion wanted to contact you they would and prove its them within your Admin Panel or PM on the Support Forum.

    Female Posts : 47
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    Solved Re: The Godfather on MSN?

    Post by venusrose August 30th 2009, 6:47 am

    Never provide your password to anyone, even if this person claims being part of our forum hosting! Beside your forum, only the rescue tools ( requires the use of your password.

    Remember? ^_~
    It would be weird for the heads of forumotion to ask for passwords.

    Male Posts : 11037
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    Solved Re: The Godfather on MSN?

    Post by kirk August 30th 2009, 8:37 am

    DTC wrote:Typlo? Lmao, he ignores over half his PMs.

    No he takes them in the order they are received and can have many at times. if someone feels that he is not replying or ignoring you then pm a mod here for us to bring to his attention. Note only if it is an issue that would be in need of his assistance.
    He would never ignore any one with a legit problem that needs his attention.But if it's something that would not pertain to him and can be handled by lucky,a global mod or other staff member. then yes he would not have the time to reply to Pm's like that.why would he? A lot of members may not realise this? but we/staff get bombarded with much garbage at times it would make your head spin.But i ensure you any support problems with a legitimate significance will not go unnoticed and will be worked out or dealt with to the best of administration or staff's ability.

    Moving back on topic.
    Yes if a forumotion support adminastrator was to contact you it would be done in your forums admin panel along with a message any information where to contact them so you know who they are claiming to be.

    and just to be sure i would come here and ask. if it was them then they would confirm this with us staff or a personal message from them here.

    i have never heard of any support administrators contacting anyone. if there was violations forumotion would sometimes give you a warning in your admin panel to remove any content or lose your forum.. this dose not happen often unless it is something minor and litigation feels they can just give you a warning. other then the rare occasions of this happening they will not contacted you unless they are already in the process of working a problem out for you and you have already had contact with them previously.

    With the question being answered by myself,other staff and members. i feel there is no reason to keep this thread open any longer.Thread now locked