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    Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums

    Doctor Inferno
    Doctor Inferno
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    Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums Empty Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums

    Post by Doctor Inferno September 2nd 2009, 10:51 am

    I have noticed that more and more forum admins are using Twitter to promote their forums, broadcast updates about the forum or simply to follow the trend in having Twitter as part of the website.

    Just curious if you are using this method to promote the forum, have this method have worked for any you guys? Or what do you use Twitter in this case for?

    Last edited by Doctor Inferno on September 16th 2009, 4:22 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Title edited.)

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    Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums Empty Re: Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums

    Post by dotDavid September 2nd 2009, 11:22 am

    The link is here: so they must be.
    Doctor Inferno
    Doctor Inferno
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    Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums Empty Re: Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums

    Post by Doctor Inferno September 2nd 2009, 12:03 pm

    I'm not talking about Forumotion alone.

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    Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums Empty Re: Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums

    Post by Shadow September 2nd 2009, 12:19 pm

    Anyway for Forumotion it doesn't work that well, i don't manage to get as many followers as you beu

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    Post by dotDavid September 2nd 2009, 12:44 pm

    Oh my bad...

    I use it, but drastically failing. I get many views, just no members. Sad

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    Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums Empty Re: Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums

    Post by karkooshy September 14th 2009, 3:40 am

    yeah I tried it out Smile
    Had better luck with facebook (join a large group about what my forum's about and promote my site there lol! - and get some friends xP)

    yeah twitter didn't do much for my forum
    but all popular ones have a "follow us on twitter" page.. so I figured...
    eh.. .xD
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    Post by Codyy September 16th 2009, 3:42 am

    my website does twitter, myspace, and facebook...

    >>> my website on twitter and myspce & facebook DOES help! i sent an announcement out, and 10 mins latter, i broke my "most users online ever" record. it had jumped +5. it was 10. its now 15.

    >>>>> i also have a system setup where, subscribed users get TEXT MSGS. & >>>>> emails INSTANTLY wen i send out an announcement.

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    Post by Jalokim September 16th 2009, 2:13 pm

    Well it all comes down to exactly how you use twitter and what content you have on your forum.

    If you use twitter only to redirect to other sites , you will only get a few new followers.
    If you have good content on your forum and advertise it with twitter, there is a good chance you can gain new members.

    But if you type in a load of spam and add a link to your forum you will also "break your forum record"
    Twitter API applications have bots that track down links and automatically visit them.

    So after posting a tweet and you check your whose online, don't get happy at the increase of users. Its most probably bots.
    But these bots are not negative. Whether a human or bot enters you site its counted as a visit. And page visits is a big factor in site promotion.

    So once again twitter depends on the data you have on your forum.
    when I browse tweets and get linked to awesome sites , with awesome content I bookmark them... So the twitter system works, but to what extent depends solely on how you run your site and what content you have
    Doctor Inferno
    Doctor Inferno
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    Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums Empty Re: Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums

    Post by Doctor Inferno September 16th 2009, 4:24 pm

    I also have a Facebook fan page for my site. It helps a lot especially in gaining visitor's trust because of the good comments members post on the Wall.

    But overall, I'd say these two methods don't give much new members to the site, but it makes my members come back.
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    Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums Empty Re: Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums

    Post by Blofeld September 16th 2009, 6:57 pm

    Typlo wrote:Anyway for Forumotion it doesn't work that well, i don't manage to get as many followers as you beu

    I only have 55+ following my site on twitter so your lucky and I started my account up way before you. Laughing Sad
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    Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums Empty Re: Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums

    Post by roflrocket September 23rd 2009, 7:06 am

    I use Myspace and Twitter with TwitterFeed. Twitterfeed lets you feed your rss feed to your Twitter. I have my Twitter and Myspace synced so the feed from my forum goes to my twitter and my myspace.

    If you want to do this you need:
    -a Twitter account
    -a twitterfeed account

    Sign up for Twitter and Twitterfeed (in that order) then for the feed link put: or:

    If you want to link your twitter to your myspace, click on My Account then click on Sync.
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    Post by dvdv882 July 28th 2010, 12:10 pm

    The best top online social networking sites offer online opportunities for sharing and associating with others in the online community. Social networking sites like,, and, along with countless online community forums, allow people to associate with one another from around the globe, sharing in an online community.Networking sites like these allow for a large community of people to connect and share online in an online community that wouldn’t have ever been possible without many of these social networking sites.
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    Post by SusieSmith13 August 3rd 2010, 6:31 am

    I use Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Myspace to advertise my forum and my websites. I also use my signature on some forums and email accounts to advertise them.

    My forum is very new so I don't know how well the advertising is working for it. My sites definitely get more hits as a result. If it isn't against the rules on a site, I advertise whenever and wherever I can.

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    Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums Empty Re: Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums

    Post by fan4me October 31st 2010, 3:23 pm

    I use Twitter to promote my forum mostly. About 3/4 of my members i got from twitter.
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    Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums Empty Re: Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums

    Post by WayneCAlderman November 10th 2010, 2:44 pm

    on twitter I have 1,971 following and 565 followers if I can get my forum back up then I can probably get more people here
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    Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums Empty Re: Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums

    Post by MC WILDCHILD November 11th 2010, 5:36 pm

    Hey Cant get My Facebook Login Application On My Forums Wen ever Someone clicks on it it says\

    API Error Code: 100
    API Error Description: Invalid parameter
    Error Message: next is not owned by the application.

    Can Anyone help me please !!!!
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    Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums Empty Re: Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums

    Post by EvanP November 14th 2010, 2:59 pm

    I use Twitter and Facebook to promote my forums, they're great sites to promote on.
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    Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums Empty Re: Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums

    Post by Aiken December 28th 2010, 9:08 am

    Hi, i will try it. now i am using forums, face book, twitter, my space, linked in.

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    Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums Empty Re: Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums

    Post by korecordings January 5th 2011, 9:20 pm

    We use all forms of Social Networking to promote our forum.

    Facebook, myspace, twitter, etc.

    Its free promotion, you cannot go wrong!
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    Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums Empty Re: Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums

    Post by Forumnerd January 17th 2011, 10:48 pm

    I only use forums about greencards and stuff to inform myself about travelling around the world. Still didn't try Forums in social Networks like Facebook or Twitter...
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    Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums Empty Re: Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums

    Post by DanS April 25th 2011, 4:47 pm

    Doctor Inferno wrote:I have noticed that more and more forum admins are using Twitter to promote their forums, broadcast updates about the forum or simply to follow the trend in having Twitter as part of the website.

    Just curious if you are using this method to promote the forum, have this method have worked for any you guys? Or what do you use Twitter in this case for?

    I think this method is good only if there is not abuse...difficult for humanity...
    If you have only one message on twitter during 1 minute, a lot of peaople can see it and some of them can go to see you website.
    BUT it is toxic when there is only this kind of message!
    So may administrators ahve no mercy for that kind of message...
    I think it's the same for every social networks (old and news) like Facebook, linkedin, foursquare, outlyf...
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    Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums Empty Re: Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums

    Post by sellerme August 18th 2011, 6:45 am

    *selling facebook fan page*
    selling a facebook fan page about socializing people in a university/club manner with more than 50k (50,000) page likers and still counting with active page members called "FBnistas"

    Because I can no longer handle the page due to busy schedule that's why letting go of it.

    with $50/ (2000Php)
    -FBUniversity Official Fan page
    -comes with a great username "FB.University.Official" (which fb restricted nowadays)
    -more than 50,000 page likers and counting
    -active fan page member
    -free customize/ reconstruction of page images/graphics
    -free flash game choices for the page

    here is the page>> FB University

    Only serious buyers..
    PM me at my fb account >> Furr Yu

    Thankx guys Smile
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    Post by producerway August 29th 2011, 5:35 am

    How I find my Url address?

    Thank's Question
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    Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums Empty Re: Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums

    Post by Russel August 29th 2011, 11:43 am

    Social Networking helps the foruming a lot to promote forums. I use Facebook and Twitter do it.

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    Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums Empty Re: Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums

    Post by koimaster September 1st 2011, 7:52 am

    I use twitter feed to promote the forum. We have a lot of twitter followers. I have tried setting up a facebook feed but for some reason it is not working.
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    Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums Empty Re: Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums

    Post by Cara November 28th 2011, 9:57 pm

    Doctor Inferno wrote:I have noticed that more and more forum admins are using Twitter to promote their forums, broadcast updates about the forum or simply to follow the trend in having Twitter as part of the website.

    Just curious if you are using this method to promote the forum, have this method have worked for any you guys? Or what do you use Twitter in this case for?
    I think that Facebook and Twitter help - Twitter especially.

    As long as you have plenty of activity in your forums and you have a lot of news to tweet about on Twitter and post on Facebook, then you're going to get more followers and friends which will lead to more members!
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    Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums Empty Re: Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums

    Post by Omu December 14th 2011, 6:51 pm

    I agree with Cara Smile Twitter is very good.

    Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums Empty Re: Social Networking (Twitter, Facebook) + Forums

    Post by Guest December 14th 2011, 9:04 pm

    I like facebook more than twitter and the rest. Razz

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    Post by Mati December 14th 2011, 9:40 pm

    Gassy wrote:I like facebook more than twitter and the rest. Razz

    I'm with Gassy. Smile
    Lady Draconian
    Lady Draconian

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    Post by Lady Draconian December 27th 2011, 4:17 pm

    We use both twitter and facebook. Though we find our twitter and facebook has more follows/likes than our forum has members! It's quite a pain really but it's good to see support for the site at least. Smile