Domain name - need password to change email address in Utilities (no response to pm) Hitskin_logo

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    Domain name - need password to change email address in Utilities (no response to pm)


    Domain name - need password to change email address in Utilities (no response to pm) Empty Domain name - need password to change email address in Utilities (no response to pm)

    Post by Guest October 25th 2009, 11:15 pm

    In August, 2 months ago, I followed these instructions as stipulated in "Rules" topic "For founders who lost their passwords"

    You are a founder and can't reach your forum or the tools because you can't remember your password ? Ask for a new one ! Please read the whole message.

    Contact one person by PM : Typlo or Luky by this following way :

    I can log into my forum, but my password doesn't work for the tools :

    Title of your message : Password update
    The message itself :
    indicate the url of your forum and the email you used when you created your forum :
    Forum address :
    Creation email :
    I pm'd twice about this - but still had no response.
    Notes from my pm to Typlo, 24.8.09..........

    Subject: Password update
    please can you help?
    I can log into my forum, but my password doesn't work for the Utilites login at
    the page
    Forum address: (redirects to )
    Creation email............ [etc]

    My contact details have changed - as well as email address changed....
    I have also changed my home address and telephone number, so need to update these..........

    My domain name was bought by me from forumotion. Is there anywhere else I need to update my contact details in connection with this please? Would be grateful for your advise.

    It's now urgent - as I've just submitted 1600 points for annual renewal of my domain name, which is due in 12 days time. An online confirmation in Admin Panel says the renewal will be confirmed to me by email - (but that will be my old registered email address (so I won't receive it). Will someone please help me so I can login to Utilities and change my contact details, or tell me if I am misunderstanding anything about all this.


    Male Posts : 11853
    Reputation : 566
    Language : English

    Domain name - need password to change email address in Utilities (no response to pm) Empty Re: Domain name - need password to change email address in Utilities (no response to pm)

    Post by Darren1 October 25th 2009, 11:32 pm

    Domain name - need password to change email address in Utilities (no response to pm) Hello

    Try sending another pm, and if u don't get a response send another pm every 2 days Wink

    Domain name - need password to change email address in Utilities (no response to pm) Empty Who do I contact concerning update registered contact details for my domain name?

    Post by Guest October 30th 2009, 11:43 pm

    Thanks Darren for your suggestion, but it's all a bit of a nuisance, having to keep doing that. Sad

    Could someone please tell me the name of the person at Forumotion who is in charge of members' Domain name registrations (as I need to change my registered Contact details for my Domain name), and how should I get in contact with that person?

    Could a Moderator or Administrator please give me an answer? Thanks.


    Male Posts : 48766
    Reputation : 2830
    Language : English
    Location : Mumbai

    Domain name - need password to change email address in Utilities (no response to pm) Empty Re: Domain name - need password to change email address in Utilities (no response to pm)

    Post by Sanket October 31st 2009, 6:35 am

    Yes as darren said, if you don't get a PM within two days resend the PM.