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2 posters

    Contact Form

    New Member

    Posts : 11
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    Solved Contact Form

    Post by jordowestie October 31st 2009, 5:51 pm

    Is there any way, on a Custom HTML page to insert a form, where users can send like suggestions, apply for moderaters ect... to
    like the form has there username in, some drop down boxes and a text area.

    Is this possible?

    Active Poster

    Male Posts : 1270
    Reputation : 135
    Language : English
    Location : Laguna Beach, California

    Solved Re: Contact Form

    Post by RoNo October 31st 2009, 9:42 pm

    Yes... here's a *demo contact form.

    Try this on your Html page (edit the background & border colors)
    <table style="padding: 8px; background-color: lightblue;  border: #404040; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; margin-left: 0px;"><tr><td  width="500">


    <td valign="top" width="100%"><form action="" class="report" method="post">
    <table class="forumline" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" align="center">

    <th class="thHead" colspan="2">Contact us</th>

    <td class="row2" colspan="2"><span class="gensmall">Items marked with a <span class="obligatory">*</span> are required.</span></td></tr><tr><td class="row1"><label for="subject" class="gen">Message subject<span class="obligatory">*</span> :</label>

    <td class="row2"><input type="text" name="subject" id="subject" size="78" maxlength="54" class="post" value="">

    <td class="row1"><label for="message" class="gen">Message contents<span class="obligatory">*</span> :</label>
    <td class="row2"><textarea cols="75" rows="10" name="message" id="message" class="post"></textarea>

    <td class="row1"><label for="reg_key" class="gen">Confirmation code<span class="obligatory">*</span> :</label>

    <td class="row2 captcha"><table border="0">
    <td align="left">
    <div class="captcha-img"><label for="reg_key" dir="ltr"><img src="/" alt=""></label> <input type="hidden" name="username" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="time" value=""></div>

    <td align="left"><input type="text" name="reg_key" id="reg_key" maxlength="5" class="post" dir="ltr">


    <tr><td class="catBottom" height="28" align="center" colspan="2"><input class="button2" type="submit" name="submit" value="Send"><input type="hidden" name="time" value="">


    The message will go to the Admin account of your forumotion site.
    New Member

    Posts : 11
    Reputation : 0
    Language : english

    Solved Re: Contact Form

    Post by jordowestie October 31st 2009, 10:04 pm

    thanks, i will try this out!

    just tried it and it says can't find server. how do you link it to youre site.

    Sorry for the questions but im confused!
    New Member

    Posts : 11
    Reputation : 0
    Language : english

    Solved Re: Contact Form

    Post by jordowestie October 31st 2009, 10:19 pm

    Solved, thank you a million!
    Active Poster

    Male Posts : 1270
    Reputation : 135
    Language : English
    Location : Laguna Beach, California

    Solved Re: Contact Form

    Post by RoNo October 31st 2009, 10:33 pm

    Contact Form Cool2
    Way to go jordowestie!
    This topic is solved. Glad I could help.

    LockedContact Form Lock2RoNo