how to make html work in forum? Hitskin_logo

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    how to make html work in forum?


    Posts : 32
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    Language : english

    how to make html work in forum? Empty how to make html work in forum?

    Post by lazyserv November 1st 2009, 11:29 pm

    i had try to make a html page for my forum but when i click it on my forum it jump to page and not viewing it in forum. i want to make the html page work inside the forum as well. i'm not sure you guys get what i mean but i will attached the screenshot for reference.

    how to make html work in forum? Shop10
    this the preview before clicking the option Place Your Order Here.

    how to make html work in forum? Shop210

    then when click it go to their customised html page but still under the forum.
    you can see the both picture their forum widget is the same. while mine it totally jump to new page with nothing beside on it.

    need some help here

    Male Posts : 1130
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    how to make html work in forum? Empty Re: how to make html work in forum?

    Post by musket November 7th 2009, 9:31 am

    Post a link to your forum

    Posts : 91
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    Language : english

    how to make html work in forum? Empty Re: how to make html work in forum?

    Post by ChadmStraight November 7th 2009, 10:21 am

    do you mean how it shows your user name and avatar in the first screen shot, but not the second? try to not relink it to an html page, but instead link it to a page that is only a locked topic with the html code inside the post. You can turn contents of a content in to a small web page like that, and then have all of your forum features on the same page. Just hide that topic, and lock it. Im not sure I understand fully what you're asking though. It probably is a good idea to either reply with a link to the two pages, or to update the screen shots with notes pointing out the problem. Sorry if i am no help